Help for the Vergil Graph Editor

Below are some very cursory hints on using the Vergil graph editor. For more information, see the complete tutorial.

Hot Keys

The following table summarizes "hot keys," which are shortcuts for invoking frequently used commands within Vergil. All of these require holding the control key (called "Ctrl") while pushing at least one other key.

Ctrl+Shift+=zoom in
Ctrl+=zoom reset
Ctrl+-zoom out
Ctrl+Shift+-zoom fit
Ctrl+Ccopy the selection
Ctrl+Eedit parameters (configure)
Ctrl+Hstop (halt) the model
Ctrl+Llook inside a component
Ctrl+Oopen a file
Ctrl+Pprint the model
Ctrl+Rrun the model
Ctrl+Ssave the model
Ctrl+Tlay out a model
Ctrl+Upause the model
Ctrl+Vpaste from the clipboard
Ctrl+Wclose the window
Ctrl+Xcut the selection

File Extensions

The following filename extensions are recognized by Vergil and opened in an appropriate editor. The "*" is a wildcard. Anything can replace it.

.xmlPtolemy II models represented in MoML
.momlPtolemy II models represented in MoML
.pltPtPlot plots
.plotPtPlot plots
.htmHTML files
.htmlHTML files
.shtm*HTML files (opened in a browser)
.pdf*PDF files (opened in a browser)
.ptdPtolemy II data files (as text)