# Makefile for Java Ptolemy Expression Parser classes # # @Authors: Christopher Hylands, Neil Smyth, based on a file by Thomas M. Parks # # $Id: makefile 67877 2013-11-18 15:51:38Z eal $ # # @Copyright (c) 1998-2013 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without # license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the # above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all # copies of this software. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE # PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF # CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, # ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # # PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 # COPYRIGHTENDKEY # This directory contains classes used for the Ptolemy II parser, PtParser. # The parser is generated using JavaCC and JJTree. It creates a syntax # tree of Node objects. The node classes used by PtrParser when generating # the tree are the ASTPt*.java files. ME = ptolemy/data/expr DIRS = test # Root of the Ptolemy II directory ROOT = ../../.. # We include JavaCC.zip twice here so as to handle JavaCC1.1 and JavaCC2.1 CLASSPATH = $(ROOT)$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JAVACC_DIR)/JavaCC.zip$(CLASSPATHSEPARATOR)$(JAVACC_DIR)/bin/lib/JavaCC.zip # Get configuration info CONFIG = $(ROOT)/mk/ptII.mk include $(CONFIG) # Used to build jar files PTPACKAGE = expr PTCLASSJAR = $(PTPACKAGE).jar JSRCS = \ AbstractInitializableParameter.java \ AbstractParseTreeVisitor.java \ ASTPtArrayConstructNode.java \ ASTPtAssignmentNode.java \ ASTPtBitwiseNode.java \ ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode.java \ ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode.java \ ASTPtFunctionalIfNode.java \ ASTPtLeafNode.java \ ASTPtLogicalNode.java \ ASTPtMatrixConstructNode.java \ ASTPtMethodCallNode.java \ ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode.java \ ASTPtProductNode.java \ ASTPtPowerNode.java \ ASTPtRecordConstructNode.java \ ASTPtRelationalNode.java \ ASTPtRootNode.java \ ASTPtShiftNode.java \ ASTPtSumNode.java \ ASTPtUnaryNode.java \ ASTPtUnionConstructNode.java \ CachedMethod.java \ ChoiceParameter.java \ ConcreteMatrixToken.java \ ConcreteScalarToken.java \ Constants.java \ ContainmentExtender.java \ ConstraintMonitor.java \ ConversionUtilities.java \ CParseTreeCodeGenerator.java \ ExpertParameter.java \ ExplicitScope.java \ ExpressionFunction.java \ FileParameter.java \ FixPointFunctions.java \ GeneralToken.java \ MatlabUtilities.java \ ModelScope.java \ MoMLUtilities.java \ NamedConstantsScope.java \ NameParameter.java \ NestedScope.java \ Parameter.java \ ParseTreeDumper.java \ ParseTreeEvaluator.java \ ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector.java \ ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer.java \ ParseTreeSpecializer.java \ ParseTreeTypeInference.java \ ParseTreeVisitor.java \ ParseTreeWriter.java \ ParserScope.java \ ScopeExtendingAttribute.java \ SingletonParameter.java \ StringConstantParameter.java \ StringParameter.java \ TemporaryVariable.java \ UndefinedConstantOrIdentifierException.java \ UnknownResultException.java \ UtilityFunctions.java \ UnknownToken.java \ Variable.java \ XMLParser.java EXTRA_SRCS = PtParser.jjt MatrixParser.jjt $(JSRCS) # Sources that may or may not be present, but if they are present, we don't # want make checkjunk to barf on them. MISC_FILES = $(DIRS) # OPTIONAL_JSRCS files are created by javacc. # javadoc generates html for files in $(OPTIONAL_JSRCS) # ASCII_CharStream.java OPTIONAL_JSRCS = \ JJTMatrixParserState.java \ JJTPtParserState.java \ MatrixParserConstants.java \ MatrixParserTokenManager.java \ MatrixParserTreeConstants.java \ Node.java \ ParseException.java \ PtParserConstants.java \ PtParserTokenManager.java \ PtParserTreeConstants.java \ SimpleCharStream.java \ SimpleNode.java \ Token.java \ TokenMgrError.java # OPTIONAL_JSRCS depends on PtParser.java, but we want javadoc # to generate docs for PtParser, so we modify the javadoc # rule to also operate on DERIVED_JSRCS DERIVED_JSRCS = PtParser.java MatrixParser.java # make checkjunk will not report OPTIONAL_FILES as trash # make distclean removes OPTIONAL_FILES OPTIONAL_FILES = \ doc \ $(OPTIONAL_JSRCS) \ message.txt \ JJPtParserCalls.class \ PtParser.java \ PtParser.jj \ JJMatrixParserState.class \ MatrixParser.jj \ MatrixParser.java \ 'ASTPtProductNode$$1.class' \ 'ASTPtProductNode$$FunctionTerm.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$1.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$2.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$3.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$ArgumentConversion.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$ArrayMapCachedMethod.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$BaseConvertCachedMethod.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$MatrixMapCachedMethod.class' \ 'CachedMethod$$TypeArgumentConversion.class' \ 'ConstraintMonitor$$ConstraintMonitorAttributes.class' \ 'Variable$$CircularDependencyError.class' \ 'Parameter$$ParseList$$Element.class' \ 'Parameter$$ParseList.class' \ 'ParseTreeTypeInference$$1.class' \ 'PtParser$$1.class' \ 'PtParser$$JJCalls.class' \ 'PtParser$$LookaheadSuccess.class' \ 'Variable$$1.class' \ 'Variable$$TypeTerm.class' \ 'Variable$$VariableScope.class' \ 'UtilityFunctions$$TokenComparator.class' \ 'XMLParser$$EntityResolver.class' JCLASS = \ $(JSRCS:%.java=%.class) \ PtParser.class \ MatrixParser.class \ $(OPTIONAL_JSRCS:%.java=%.class) all: $(OPTIONAL_JSRCS) $(JCLASS) install: $(PTCLASSJAR) $(OPTIONAL_JSRCS): PtParser.java MatrixParser.java # Uncomment this to work on the parser. PtParser.java: PtParser.jj @echo "This command runs JavaCC, which can be downloaded from" @echo "http://java.net/projects/javacc" @echo "See \$$PTII/doc/install.htm for details." @echo "You only need install JavaCC if you modify PtParser.jjt" @echo "PtParser.java is derived from PtParser.jj, which is in turn" @echo "derived from PtParser.jjt" @echo "If you don't have JavaCC, you can workaround this with" @echo " touch PtParser.jj PtParser.java" CLASSPATH="$(CLASSPATH)" $(JAVACC) $(JAVACC_OPTIONS) PtParser.jj PtParser.jj: PtParser.jjt @echo "This command runs JJTree, which is part of JavaCC" @echo "JavaCC can be downloaded from" @echo "http://java.net/projects/javacc" @echo "See \$$PTII/doc/install.htm for details." @echo "You only need install JavaCC if you modify PtParser.jjt" @echo "PtParser.java is derived from PtParser.jj, which is in turn" @echo "derived from PtParser.jjt" @echo "If you don't have JavaCC, you can workaround this with" @echo " touch PtParser.jj PtParser.java" CLASSPATH="$(CLASSPATH)" $(JJTREE) $(JJTREE_OPTIONS) PtParser.jjt MatrixParser.java: MatrixParser.jj @echo "This command runs JavaCC, which can be downloaded from" @echo "http://java.net/projects/javacc" @echo "See \$$PTII/doc/install.htm for details." @echo "You only need install JavaCC if you modify MatrixParser.jjt" @echo "MatrixParser.java is derived from MatrixParser.jj, which is in turn" @echo "derived from MatrixParser.jjt" @echo "If you don't have JavaCC, you can workaround this with" @echo " touch MatrixParser.jj MatrixParser.java" CLASSPATH="$(CLASSPATH)" $(JAVACC) $(JAVACC_OPTIONS) MatrixParser.jj MatrixParser.jj: MatrixParser.jjt @echo "This command runs JJTree, which is part of JavaCC" @echo "JavaCC can be downloaded from" @echo "http://java.net/projects/javacc" @echo "See \$PTII/doc/install.htm for details." @echo "You only need install JavaCC if you modify MatrixParser.jjt" @echo "MatrixParser.java is derived from MatrixParser.jj, which is in turn" @echo "derived from MatrixParser.jjt" @echo "If you don't have JavaCC, you can workaround this with" @echo " touch MatrixParser.jj MatrixParser.java" CLASSPATH="$(CLASSPATH)" $(JJTREE) $(JJTREE_OPTIONS) MatrixParser.jjt # This rule is useful for cvs committing the derived files # For example: # cvs commit -m "Updated MatrixParser." `make echo_OPTIONAL_JSRCS` echo_OPTIONAL_JSRCS: @echo $(OPTIONAL_JSRCS) PtParser.java PtParser.jj MatrixParser.java MatrixParser.jj # Get the rest of the rules include $(ROOT)/mk/ptcommon.mk