Set Breakpoints

Set Breakpoints context menu choice

The context menu for actors includes a "Set Breakpoints" menu choice.

"Set Breakpoints" is currently only implemented for the SDF domain. Currently, only "before iterate" and "after iterate" work.

The Set Breakpoints facility will stop the model at a specific point in a specific actor. This is helpful if there are multiple instances of an actor within a model.

  1. Start vergil from within a debugger
  2. Open an SDF model
    Warning: you should save your model before running with breakpoints set since saving in the middle of a debugging session may not work.
  3. Right click on an actor in an SDF model, select Set Breakpoints -> before iterate.
  4. Run the model
  5. The model will stop when it hits the breakpoint.
    A message will appear in the status bar at the bottom of the Vergil graph display.
    The actor with the breakpoint will be highlighted in magenta.
  6. Click on the Run button again to continue execution.
Some related features that you may wish to use are:
  • Debug -> Listen to Director
  • Right click on actor -> Listen to Actor
  • Debug -> Animate Execution (set to something visible like 500 ms)
  • See also $PTII/doc/coding/debugging.htm