The Swing Reader

This is a short collection of things to read about Swing. Swing is remarkable for its hype, complexity, and lack of useful documentation. If any of the links below fail, try replacing "swingdoc-current" in the URL with "swingdoc-archive," or go to the Swing Connection.


An overview of Swing Architecture
Best architectural description yet. Worth more than the whole Gutz book.

Understanding containers
Good intro to the basic architecture of windows.

Installing a UI delegate
Sequence diagram of how a UI delegate is attached to a JComponent. Useful.

Mixing heavy and light components
Good explanation of the differences between heavy-weight and light-weight components. I still want to know why light-weight components are so slow.

Threads and Swing
Why not to use threads in Swing, and how to use them if you need to. A Gutz book and a half.

Using a Swing worker thread
Detailed instructions on using SwingWorker to create an independent thread. Good stuff -- worth at least two Gutz books. Looks like it requires Swing 1.02 -- SwingWorker isn't in JDK1.2 beta3.

The Swing Text package
Thank God -- information on how the swing.text package works, to make up for the lousy javadoc! Must be worth two Gutz books.

Vaguely useful

Java foundation classes: now and the future
Marketing material, but contains some useful overview material. Worth a scan.

Customize a test editor
How to do a Java-aware text editor. Includes source code. Looks invaluable if you need to do it.

The Swing 1.02 File Chooser
Yawn, snore. Useful if you need it.

Swing Short Course, Part I and Swing Short Course, Part II
Yawn, but has some useful sections if you need to get started on something. Some of it is out-of-date. You need to register with the Java developer connection.

Using the JFC/Swing Packages
From the Java tutorial. A lot of the more interesting material seems to have come from the links above anyway. About 0.75 of a Gutz book (but much cheaper).



Up to Speed With Swing: User Interfaces With Java Foundation Classes by Steven Gutz.
Basically a bunch of widget demos. I couldn't find the in-depth information I was after, like how the double-buffering works. Seems reasonably well-written, so you might like it if you want a toothless introduction.

Programming With Jfc by Scott Weiner and Stephen Asbury
Looks from the Amazon reviews to be toothless like the Gutz book.

Java Foundation Classes by Matthew Nelson
Got one review on Amazon, with a score of 10. I'm waiting for a copy.