MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT CONTRACTOR: University of California at Berkeley AGREEMENT NUMBER: DAAB07-97-C-J007 CONTRACT PERIOD: 11/18/96 - 11/31/99 DATE: February 18, 1998 TITLE: Heterogeneous Modeling And Design REPORT PERIOD: 1/15/98 - 2/15/98 SPONSOR: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) TECHNICAL POC: James P. Hanna REPORT PREPARED BY: Edward A. Lee 0. Executive Summary The highlight of this reporting period is the first "hello world" simulation of continuous-time systems in the new CT domain in Ptolemy II. This domain was created by Jie Liu, and is still very much a prototype. But it is able to carry out simulations of simple ODEs using the popular 4th-order Runge-Kutta solution technique. A major objective of this domain is to support experimentation with mixed-signal simulation, semantics, and design. It follows close on the heels of Mudit Goel's PN (process networks) domain to be the second functional domain in Ptolemy II. Other highlights include a detailed plan for the user interface for Ptolemy II, a temporary solution to the Itcl/Java incompatibility that has been plaguing us, and major progress on Tycho modularization. 1. Research Status Task 1: Modular deployable design tools ======================================= Java/Tcl interaction -------------------- Our major problem right now is that the port of Itcl to Tcl 8.0 has still not been completed by Michael McLennan of Lucent. Our user interface environment, Tycho, is written in Itcl, and replicating even a small portion of its functionality in Java or Tcl would be a huge task. However, during this reporting period, we have identified two solutions that permit us to proceed with our work. First, Christopher Hylands has created a mechanism by which an Itcl process can send commands to a Tcl8 process via a socket. An architecture using this sort of connection would be similar to the way Ptolemy 0.x works, where the user interface, Vem, runs in a separate process from the Ptolemy kernel and sends it commands via a socket. There are some advantages to this architecture, and we had considered using it anyway. Now we have a compelling reason to use it since it permits us to proceed with interfacing Tycho and Ptolemy II. Second, Matt Newman of Sensus Consulting Ltd. has created tcl++ and tk++, which are Tcl-only implementations of Itcl and Itk. I.e., no C code. These implementations are "near 100%" compatible with Itcl, but unlike Itcl, they work with Tcl 8, and therefore will work with TclBlend and Java. John Reekie did some preliminary experiments with it, and, as expected, it is considerably slower than the C implementation of Itcl. But it gives us an temporary solution to the Itcl/Java incompatibility. The code can be found at: John Reekie also wrote a light-weight implementation of tcl++, in which all but the essential support for object-oriented programming was stripped out, and found that method calls could be sped up by about a factor of three to four by carefully tailoring the code used to simulate object-oriented inheritance. In a related development, John Ousterhout, the creator of Tcl/Tk, and several of his team at Sun Microsystems, have left Sun to start a new company called Scriptics. The web site has some basic information about the company: It is unclear what this means about the future of Tcl/Tk, Itcl, and the Tcl/Java interaction. User Interface -------------- John Reekie has outlined a set of milestones needed to get a (graphical) user interface for Ptolemy II. The dates are guesses. Internal release 1 (est. May 10): This milestone provides a point at which our internal developers can use the GUI to create simulations. It will use only a single workspace, and be able to create entities, make multi-way connections, have pop-up context menus for editing and querying ports, entities, and relations, and load and save schematics. A major design issue in this milestone is how constraints imposed by a domain in Ptolemy II will be enforced at the user interface level. For example, many domains do not allow outputs to be connected to outputs. One option is that the user interface functions as a viewer and controller, while the Java topology functions as the model, in a model-view-controller architecture. This approach tightly couples the user interface to the Ptolemy II kernel, which may not always be desirable. We are evaluating the alternatives. Internal release 2 (est. July 10): The second internal release extends the GUI functionality to support some of the more innovative features of the Ptolemy II kernel. The key issues are graphical support of nested topologies and inter-mixing of visual syntaxes. This release will also allow a user to add, delete, and move ports around (rather than having them fixed). There are several open issues: - Are nested topologies displayed in-line or out-of-line? - Are nested topologies stored in-line or out-of-line? - How are level-crossing links handled? Pre-release (est. August 10): The pre-release allows selected third-party developer access to the new GUI. Work on this release is largely aimed at improving usability and robustness. Multiple workspaces and more robust and flexible user interface dialogs are key issues here. Release (est. October 10): The public release will go through the usual alpha-beta-final process -- the date given is for the final release. The only major functionality enhancements envisaged for this release are the provision of edge reshaping, and possibly a better icon editor. Tycho Modularization -------------------- John Reekie has made good progress architecting a package policy for Tycho. He is now able to start up Tycho in various configurations built with different packages. The goals here are to make Tycho modular reconfigurable, and "componentable." He has split Tycho into separately-loadable packages, with explicit dependencies between packages. It will be thus be possible to use Tycho in a number of ways: * A "stand-alone" application, with its own console and feature support. Other packages can be easily added to Tycho. * An application framework for other stand-alone applications. Tycho's GUI foundation class package provides the base framework for this. * A utility library for existing [incr Tcl] applications. An existing application may choose to load and use some subset of Tycho, such as its HTML viewer or a graph editor. * A package management framework for other [incr Tcl] applications. Java Signal Plotter ------------------- On Friday, January 23 we released Ptplot version 1.2. The changes between Ptplot1.1 and Ptplot1.2: * Added support for JAR files. * Added Troubleshooting Ptplot and Ptplot FAQ. * Added a demo that illustrates a JavaScript Interface to Ptplot. * Slight layout improvements. * Support raw binary files that consist only of 4 byte floats. * Error bars are now supported. * Logarithmic axes are now supported. * Fixed a bug with recycling colors and marks. Ptplot1.2 is available at: Ptplot can be used as a component in other Java programs, as an applet or as a standalone application. The website include sources and applet demonstration. Task 2: Domain-specific design tools ==================================== Mixed Signal Design ------------------- Achieving a significant milestone for the project, Jie Liu has prototyped a continuous-time (CT) simulation domain in Ptolemy II. This also demonstrates progress in the design of Ptolemy II, since Jie was able to build this domain relatively easily. The purpose of this domain is to give us a numerical ODE solver that we can use to experiment with mixed signal design and simulation. The domain by itself is not a major fundamental contribution since there are many ODE solvers available, but this type of continuous-time modeling entirely within the Ptolemy environment is a first. To achieve the objective of studying mixed signal design, this domain needs to support a representative sample of ODE solution techniques, preferably those that exhibit the most challenging problems for mixed-signal modeling. A rough classification of numerical ODE solvers is as follows: 1. Time-marching vs. function matching Most methods iterate in the time domain and calculates signal values at monotonically increasing points in time. This class of methods is often called time-marching. Another class of methods iterate in function space, usually via waveform relaxation. Waveform methods can more easily deal with multi-resolution time, but with tightly coupled designs they converge extremely slowly. For this reason, most general-purpose ODE solvers appear to use time marching methods. 2. One Step Methods vs. Multistep methods One step methods use only y(n) for calculating y(n+1). Multistep methods use more historical points (more memory). 3. Fixed stepsize vs. adaptive(adjustable) stepsize Discretization of time may use fixed or variable time steps. Fixed steps result in variable accuracy; in slowly changing signals, the accuracy is excessive (does not justify the computational burden), while in rapidly changing signals the accuracy may be inadequate. Adaptive steps introduce truncated-error control, so that it is more uniformly accurate. But the down side is that adaptive step methods need to estimate a partial differential, which requires more function evaluations. For example, in the popular 4th order Runge-Kutta method, the adaptive stepsize method requires approximately 6 times more function evaluations. 4. Fixed order vs. variable order The order is defined differently for different methods. But basically, it related to the times a function is evaluated during one step of calculation (not include the function evaluation for error control). Generally, higher order methods are more accurate than lower order method, but also have more computational cost. 5. Explicit vs. Implicit Explicit methods use only the previously computed values to calculate y(n+1). Such methods are usually straightforward and time and memory cost are easy to predict. But they often have stability problems. Implicit methods formulate y(n+1) in terms of itself and previously computed values. Then y(n+1) is found by solving a nonlinear algebraic equation, usually by an iterative procedure where the number of iterations to convergence is hard to predict. In addition, solutions may be non-unique. But implicit methods generally have good stability. Most commercial ODE solvers provide variable order variable stepsize(VOVS) explicit or implicit methods, including RK45, Adams-Moulton, etc. These methods have good numerical properties and require little background knowledge from the user. But they may not be the most efficient solution for a given particular problem. Some simple and popular ODE solver methods are: 1. One step forward Euler 2. Euler two-step method 3. Leapfrog (two-step) method 4. Theta method (trapezoidal rule) 5. Fixed step Runge-Kutta (4th order) The first of these is easily implemented in the SDF domain in Ptolemy. No new domain is required. The other methods require additional capability. In particular, 4th order RK requires a set of function evaluations that are not part of the normal SDF cycle. Providing the base classes to support such function evaluations is the main purpose of the CT domain. In addition, by maintaining an explicit model of time, the CT domain is designed to support variable step methods. Jie Liu has so far implemented only 4th-order fixed step Runga-Kutta in the CT domain. Task 3: Heterogeneous interaction semantics =========================================== We have begun to figure out how CT modeling can be combined with other (digital) modeling techniques in Ptolemy. The requirements are two-way hierarchical nesting. A CT subsystem must be embeddable within a digital model, and a digital model must be embeddable within CT. The former problem is essential solved for time marching ODE solvers. The method we will use is essentially the same one that we use today to embed discrete-event and VHDL simulators within other digital models. The latter problem is harder, and appears to require fundamental support in the software infrastructure. To support nesting of the various digital domains (dataflow, discrete-event, FSM, etc.) within CT, we have to provide a mechanism for the sorts of multiple function evaluations that are needed in CT. That is, the digital subsystem has to appear to the CT domain to behave just like any other CT block. We are currently working out the details within the Ptolemy II architecture. 2. Equipment/Infrastructure Status: No changes. 3. Interactions Pertinent to the mixed signal model reported in the last monthly report, Hewlett-Packard has been using HP Ptolemy for A/D design, using its cosimulation with HP EEsof's analog tools. The work was presented at DesignCon98: "An Integrated Design Methodology for High-Performance Analog to Digital Converters", Kevin Nary, DesignCon98 - Digital Communications System Design Conference Proceedings, Professional Education International, 1998. Kevin Nary has designed many custom high speed A/Ds and is one of the founders of Celerix. Celerix is a company specializing in mixed-signal design, used the cosimulation capabilities of the Advanced Design System to analyze and refine a high speed (> 1 Gsample/sec) A/D converter. A mix of DSP, SPICE, and MATLAB cosimulation was used to achieve much faster analysis of an ADC. 4. Personnel Status Albert Chen, an honors undergraduate, has joined the group to work on libraries of mathematical functions in Java. 5. Talks/Presentations/Publications: Talks by Group Members ---------------------- - "Hierarchical Finite State Machines with Multiple Concurrency Models," by Alain Girault, Bilung Lee, and Edward Lee, presented by Girault at the Workshop on Synchronous Languages, Roscoff, France, December, 1997 (omitted erroneously from the last report). - "Complex Systems," by Edward A. Lee, invited briefing to the National Research Council study committee on "information technology research in a competitive world," February 10, 1998. Key Talks by Others ------------------- - "Stream-Based Media Processing: What, How, and Why," V, Michael Bove, Jr., MIT Media Laboratory, Berkeley Design Seminar, Friday January 30th, 1998. Publications ------------ [1] Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Praveen K. Murthy, and Edward A. Lee, "Synthesis of Embedded Software from Synchronous Dataflow Specifications," Invited paper, to appear in Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 1998. 6. Difficulties/Problems None to report. 7. Next Quarter Plans The implementation of the two first Ptolemy II domains, CT (continuous time) and PN (process networks) have highlighted the need for some kernel infrastructure to be shared across domains. The first of these is a generic graph manipulation capability. The CT domain constructs an acyclic graph based on its block diagram and performs a topological sort on that graph. Instead of a point solution implementation that will only work in that domain, we will develop a support class or set of classes that efficiently perform graph manipulations such as topological sort, depth-first search, identifying cycles, etc. We are basing the design in part on LEDA, a popular and very well-designed C++ package for graph manipulation. Another major objective in the next reporting period is to get the user interface construction moving again, now that we are no longer stalled by the Itcl/Java incompatibility. 8. Financial Data Provided separately on a quarterly basis by the university.