MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT CONTRACTOR: University of California at Berkeley AGREEMENT NUMBER: DAAB07-97-C-J007 CONTRACT PERIOD: 11/18/96 - 11/31/99 DATE: Oct. 21, 1998 TITLE: Heterogeneous Modeling And Design REPORT PERIOD: 8/15/98 - 9/15/98 SPONSOR: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) TECHNICAL POC: James P. Hanna REPORT PREPARED BY: Edward A. Lee 0. Executive Summary Progress on Ptolemy II continues. Overall, our software engineering process, led by John Reekie, has been proving extremely effective in ensuring the very highest quality software, good visibility across parts of the project, and extensive discussion of all critical interfaces. We have also been gaining new insights on heterogeneous, inter-domain interoperability, primarily because Ptolemy II has finally reached the point where it can support multi-domain execution. Also, our external interactions and technology transfer activities continue at a feverish pace (see details below). 1. Research Status Task 1: Modular deployable design tools ======================================= Actor Package ------------- Most of the actor package has advanced to "yellow" status, and is providing effective support for all domains under development. We have also performed the code review for promotion to "green," but not all changes have yet been implemented, so the code is still at "yellow." Math Package ------------ We have developed a math package, which includes the following classes: -- Complex: general support for complex numbers. We had been using a a rather poorly written class found on the net, and have now replaced that with our own class. -- SignalProcessing: Functions such as FFT, filter synthesis, waveform generation, waveform analysis. -- ExtendedMath: Methods that are similar in spirit to those of java.lang.Math, but which for one reason or another are missing. -- ArrayMath: Operations on arrays representing both vectors and matrix. The current state of this class is barely a beginning. We have conducted a design review of all but the Complex class. Graph Package ------------- The graph package, which provides basic graph-theoretic operations, has undergone a design review and reached "yellow" status. This package includes critical support for the type system, in the form of a set of utilities for operating on lattices and complete partial orders (CPOs). Mutations --------- John Reekie has overhauled the mechanism we had developed for managing mutations (run-time changes in the relationships between components in the system). This overhaul brings the mutation package into conformance with the design of JDK 1.1 and Swing, and thus will be more familiar to most Java programmers. User Interface -------------- We have begun the process of designing the detailed specification for the API that the Tycho-based GUI will use to control Ptolemy II models. This specification includes the following: System API Purpose: Allow Tycho to start up and connect to Ptolemy II. Functionality: Is Ptolemy installed; query Ptolemy II version; query available domains; query actors fitting a given domain and name. Execution API Purpose: Allow Tycho to control a running simulation. Functionality: Start, pause, stop a simulation; notify on all execution events . Icon Library API Purpose: Allow Tycho to locate icons and related definitions. Functionality: What paths are searched; modify the search path; return top-level library names; return sub-library names; return file path of any library;... Domain API Purpose: Allow Tycho to query a domain for parameters, display important run-time information (current time etc). Functionality: What directors can be used; what information needs to be shown in the control panel;notify on time advanced. Animation & Parameter APIs Purpose: Allow Tycho to animate and display parameter of a running simulation. Functionality: Notify on: actor ready to fire; actor fired; actor blocked; token transmitted; token read. Debug API Purpose: Allow Tycho to act as a graphical "debugger" on a simulation Functionality: Step the simulation; set a firing breakpoint; set a value breakpoint; run to breakpoint; notify on breakpoint. Logging API Purpose: Allow logging and log-style debugging, with or without Tycho Functionality: Notify on log message generated. Control Logic ------------- Xiaojun Liu has made progress in specifying the architecture of the FSM (finite-state machine) domain in Ptolemy II. This architecture has stimulated a good bit of discussion in the group about inter-domain interoperability. Task 2: Domain-specific design tools ==================================== Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) ---------------------------------------- Neil Smyth has created prototypes of most of the classes required to implement the rendezvous and conditional rendezvous required by a communicating sequential processes (CSP) domain in Ptolemy II. The main anticipated application of this domain is for modeling resource management problems, such as embedded software multitasking and real-time scheduling. Discrete-Event Modeling ----------------------- Lukito Muliadi has completed a prototype of the discrete-event domain in Ptolemy II. This domain uses a sophisticated calendar-queue scheduler to sort events, and is expected to play a major role in mixed signal design. Using this prototype domain, we have experimented with the first applet that intensively uses Ptolemy II infrastructure, a simple DE simulation that demonstrates the inspection paradox. This exercise help us verify that Ptolemy II infrastructure can be used effectively in applets. Design Flow Management ---------------------- William Wu created an exploratory demo of a mechanism in Ptolemy II for managing design flows at a high level of abstraction. The purpose of this demo is to study the interaction between tools and block diagram semantics of Ptolemy. The scheduler in this demo is static, since scheduling is still an open issue. This work is not intended to turn directly into releasable code. The flow in the demo performs the follow tasks a) Design a IIR Butterworth filter. b) Compute its frequency response and get postscript version of the plot. c) Filter a sample audio file through it. d) Compute the spectrogram of the original audio signal, and filtered signal and print postscript version of both spectrograms. e) Synthesize a Xilinx X4000 FPGA netlist. f) Display all three postscript plots in ghostview. g) Display the netlist in emacs. These tasks mix Ptolemy package libraries with external tools, such as Matlab, ghostview, emacs, and the BOOM IIR generator for FPGAs from the BRASS project. The latter was wrapped in a CORBA wrapper. William, together with Jie Liu, writes this summary of the DFM effort: "Traditional system-level design techniques usually rely on one particular well-defined model of computation (MoC) and try to map the application onto that model. As the size and scope of the system increase, no single MoC alone can manage the complexity. This forces the designer to leverage on the integration of multiple CAD tools. Incorporating different tools with simple scripts has become too difficult and unmanageable, since there is no standard defined interface between the tools. Ptolemy manages the interaction among different MoCs, and is capable of interoperating with external tools. Thus a design can be described by the MoCs supported within Ptolemy, and those used by external tools. For example, a system can be modeled partly in abstract block diagram using data flow model and partly in SPICE circuits. This heterogeneity exists not only in different MoCs, but also in different levels of abstractions of the design flow. The key is to manage the tools in the design flow and classify the tools by their semantics and their level of abstraction. Then the interoperability of the tools becomes the interoperability of the semantics. Ptolemy can act as the standard interface among different tools to achieve the overall design requirements. Three types of semantics/tools interaction are studied. They are domains within Ptolemy, local interprocess communication, and global object retrieve and invocation through CORBA." Hardware Design Languages ------------------------- Under the leadership of James Lundblad and Ron Galicia, our regular Friday afternoon study group has turned its attention to hardware design language, specifically VHDL and Verilog. One objective is to bring everyone in the group up-to-speed with these languages, and to learn to critically evaluate their role in electronic design. General Software Issues ----------------------- We have renamed the Ptolemy package root from "pt" to "ptolemy", in part to capitalize on the name recognition the project has earned. We have upgraded to itcl3.0/tcl8.0.3, which finally brings our Tycho system the capability of interoperating directly with Ptolemy II. John Reekie completed the port of Tycho. Christopher Hylands installed jwalk, a tool that checks for various coding standards problems. Interestingly, jwalk uses Tcl and a Tcl extension written in C to check the Java syntax. Christopher Hylands has also made the entire Ptolemy II tree operate under JDK 1.2beta4, including the test suites. Only minor changes were required in the software. Christopher Hylands and John Reekie are working with Mo DeJong (University of Minnesota) and Bryan Surles (Scriptics Inc.) on the next release of Tcl Blend and Jacl. Tcl Blend is the Tcl/Java interface that we use to communicate between the Tcl graphical front end and the Java Ptolemy II back end. The next release of Tcl Blend and Jacl includes support for JDK1.2beta4 and better handling of overloaded methods. Task 3: Heterogeneous interaction semantics =========================================== We are gaining a much better understanding of the role of time in binding heterogeneous semantics. We have determined that continuous-time modeling fundamentally requires that either the discrete environment or the continuous-time modeling environment itself must be capable of rolling back a simulation. We are developing a framework in which it is sufficient for only the CT modeling environment to have this capability. This greatly simplifies the other modeling environments. 2. Equipment/Infrastructure Status: No changes. 3. Interactions and Technology Transfer -- We have begun a collaboration with the group of Prof. Kris Pister, who have agreed to attempt to use Ptolemy II, primarily the discrete-event domain, to model multiple semi-autonomous microrobotic agents and their interaction. -- We have installed the Saber tools from Analogy, and two group members took the training course. -- BNeD has announced the next generation product line, the "Photonic Transmission Design Suite" (PTDS), which is partly based on Ptolemy. They say, " The PTDS features a modular approach to optics and photonics simulation y offering distinct libraries for component, system and network design together with a unique and innovative simulation architecture." In related news, we received the following from one of the principals at BNeD: "I'm very pleased to announce that the two most important vendors of photonic design tools have agreed to merge: BNeD and Virtual Photonics have signed an agreement stating their intention to form together the next generation Photonic Design Automation (PDA) company. The merger will the new company to offer the combination of the best of BNeD's and Virtual Photonics' products to our customers. Details can be found in the press announcement in the world wide web at" -- David V. Anderson (, of the Center for Signal & Image Processing at the Georgia Institute of Technology has informed us of plans to significantly extend our Ptolemy signal plotter. We are remaining in touch, and providing support as needed. -- Christopher Hylands and John Reekie presented a tutorial, "Tcl and Java Programming: Practice and Pitfalls," on September 15th, 1998 at the 1998 Tcl/Tk workshop, San Diego. There were about 45 attendees. Tutorial notes including slides are at: John Reekie reports: "Christopher and I presented our Tcl and Java Programming tutorial on Tuesday, which was well-attended, with about 45 people. This was our first, and I was concerned that it was all a bit slow and dull, but several people remarked to me that they thought it interesting and well-paced, which is very pleasing. Brian Surles of Scriptics ran the Tcl-Java BOF. Ray Johnson and Scott Stanton of Scriptics were also there and fielded a lot of the questions. A lot of people are still trying to understand what they can and can't do with Tcl and Java, and in particular are interested in mixing them in a browser environment. We didn't have any particularly good answers to these issues, partly because the technology is quite young and partly because the security needs of the browser environment make these kinds of things a lot more difficult. Still, I feel that a lot of good ideas and questions were generated, and hopefully the next year will see good progress and more clarity in the general area of Tcl and Java inter-operability. Brian is setting up a CVS read-only repository on the Scriptics site and will probably be able to make write access available to selected developers. In my view this is an opportunity for those who care about the Java issue to positively influence the directions of Tcl Blend, Jacl, and the whole Java issue in general. I doubt there will be any major new projects or announcements, but now is an excellent time to explore the use of Tcl and Java and contribute code and/or experience reports." -- Neil Smyth spent one month at Delft University in The Netherlands. He was working closely with Bart Kienhuis on his simulator for stream based function(SBF) objects. In particular Neil added the notion of time to his simulator, with the intent of giving feedback earlier in the design cycle to the designer on issues such as processor utilization and bottlenecks. Neil says, "One of the main advantages for me of my stay at Delft University was seeing the application of much of the theory I have read about to practical problems." -- Mudit Goel spent the summer at Philips Research Labs in Eindhoven. The appendix includes a report from Pieter van der Wolf of Philips. Mudit was working on embedded system design methodologies, including the modeling of applications and programmable architectures for real-time video. -- The group of Prof. Dave Messerschmitt at Berkeley has developed the SiP Protocol Modeling tool that uses SPIN and the DE domain of Ptolemy 0.7.1. The web page at Here is a summary: We investigated a widely distributed software package, SPIN, that supports the formal verification of distributed systems. PROMELA (Process Meta Language) is the input language of SPIN, which has been used to trace logical design errors in distributed systems design, such as operating systems, data communications protocols, switching systems, concurrent algorithms. SPIN checks for the logical consistency of a specification, deadlocks, race conditions, etc. -- The Universitat de Girona is studying the Ptolemy environment, and using it to make significant steps into DSP development. Below is their description of this effort: "Following our developing line of projects on the EVM56002 evaluation board, we're pleased to send you a briefing of a work started from Jordi Blanch's graduation project and completed by Jordi Fabregas, about using the EVM56002 board under the Ptolemy environment. ... As you know, the Ptolemy environment, has included in his computation models a domain called CG56 to generate source code for the DSP56000 family. The project was initially started to communicate the EVM56002 board with the serial port under Linux. The most important fact of this application is the easy way in which you could create, load, and execute code, combining the different stars of the CG56 domain in Ptolemy. We have created two stars, called 'entrada' (input) and 'sortida' (output), which take care of receiving data from the A/D converter in the EVM board and sending data to the D/A. In the sortida star we could alter parameters such as the sampling rate or the output attenuation. The actual implementation makes necessary for any design to include at least the sortida star, cause the sample rate of the input is controlled by the output one. By the way we have developed a target called EVM56, included in the domain CG56 (Motorola's 56000 family), that once the code has been generated and compiled, loads it into the board through the serial port of the EVM56002. This target let's us load the code in a local serial port (in the machine ptolemy is running), or in the serial port of any remote machine with some auxiliar programs such as netpipes. The application has been developed this way cause actually we haven't the asm56000 assembler for Linux platform. The only port we have for Unix machines is for the Sun family. Having this target, different users working on linux workstations with a EVM board connected to each one, had been working using Ptolemy, which was running on one remote SparcStation, and then the code was loaded in the board of the specified machine. The files could be found at: ... For any comments, questions or anything else about the realized work or his continuity please contact: Marti Fabregas: E-mail: Jordi Fabregas: E-mail:" 4. Personnel Status Two new graduate students have joined the group: Steve Neuendorffer and Jeffrey Tsay. Steve comes from the University of Maryland, and brings first-hand experience from working at Microsoft. Jeff was working for Texas Instruments in Japan before deciding to return to school, and brings first-hand experience with embedded systems that use programmable DSPs. One new undergraduate student, David Teng, has joined the group. He is working with William Wu on filter design and implementation. 5. Talks/Presentations/Publications: -- "Performance Analysis of SBF Networks", Neil Smyth, Bart Kienhuis,July 24th, Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. -- "Tcl and Java Programming: Practice and Pitfalls," John Reekie and Christopher Hylands, tutorial Presented September 15th, 1998 at the 1998 Tcl/Tk workshop, San Diego. Publications ------------ [1] S. S. Bhattacharyya, S. Sriram, and E. A. Lee. "Resynchronization for multiprocessor DSP systems - part 2: Latency-constrained resynchronization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 1998. submitted for publication. [2] S. S. Bhattacharyya, S. Sriram, and E. A. Lee. "Resynchronization for multiprocessor DSP systems - part 1: Maximum throughput resynchronization." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 1998. submitted for publication. [3] S. S. Bhattacharyya, S. Sriram, and E. A. Lee. "Resynchronization for multiprocessor DSP implementation - part 1: Maximum-throughput resynchronization." Tech. Rep., Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, July 1998. Revised from Memorandum UCB/ERL 96/55, Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley, October, 1996. [4] S. S. Bhattacharyya, S. Sriram, and E. A. Lee. "Resynchronization for multiprocessor DSP implementation - part 2: Latency-constrained resynchronization." Tech. Rep., Digital Signal Processing Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park, July 1998. Revised from Memorandum UCB/ERL 96/56, Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley, October, 1996. [5] H. J. Reekie and E. A. Lee, ``The Tycho Slate: Complex Drawing and Editing in Tcl/Tk,'' April 27, 1998. Submitted to the Sixth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, September 14-18, 1998, San Diego, California. 6. Difficulties/Problems None to report. 7. Next Quarter Plans We plan to finalize the GUI-related APIs, finish the actor package, extend the math package, build a dataflow domain, and begin building actor libraries. 8. Financial Data Provided separately on a quarterly basis by the university. APPENDIX ======== From Pieter van der Wolf of Philips, regarding the summer activities of Mudit Goel: "During his visit Mudit has primarily been executing a case study with the Pamela-TSS Y-chart method that we discussed with you during out visit to Berkeley in March. The case study involved the mapping and performance analysis of a MPEG-2 video decoder application on a model of the TM-2000 MPEG decoder architecture that is currently being implemented by our people in Sunnyvale. Mudit performed the following activities: - Extend the API for application modeling to collect statistics on both the communication and computation workload (number of tokens communicated over channels, number of operations performed by tasks). - Abstract from the TM-2000 databook a specification of the architecture that is to be used in the case study. This involved extensive reading and discussions on which aspects of the architecture were relevant to our case study. White spaces had to be filled in with intelligent guesses (e.g. undocumented delay counts). - Define a model of the specified architecture. This model takes the form of a netlist that wires together generic architecture building blocks from the TSS library that we are implementing. TSS is the simulation tool that we use for architecture simulations. - Define the mapping and generate the mapping file. - Build TCL scripts to let the architecture simulator produce data for relevant performance metrics (utilization of processors, stall cycles upon reads / writes, bus load and bus arbitration statistics, etc). - Run simulations and interpret results. Observe interesting phenomena in simulations and explain them. This enhances the understanding on the ability of the architecture to efficiently execute the application. As already expressed by Kees, we feel that the visit of Mudit has been beneficial to all of us. We are currently in the process of delivering a proof of concept for the Pamela-TSS Y-chart method. The case study performed by Mudit has helped us a great deal in moving ahead on this. Mudit has basically traversed a complete Y-chart trajectory, starting from the MPEG-2 video decoder application. We all agreed that Mudit has gained a lot of knowledge and experience on a variety of topics, including applications (MPEG-2 video decoding), architectures (TM-2000 MPEG decoder) and the methodological aspects of our Pamela-TSS Y-chart method (application modeling, architecture modeling, mapping, performance analysis). We cooperated with Mudit in an open atmosphere and it was a pleasure to work with him. I hereby would like to thank you for helping create this opportunity to work together.