# Makefile for Java Ptolemy polymorphic actor classes # # @Authors: Christopher Hylands, based on a file by Thomas M. Parks # # @Version: $Id: makefile 70389 2014-10-22 22:25:44Z cxh $ # # @Copyright (c) 1998-2014 The Regents of the University of California. # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without # license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this # software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the # above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all # copies of this software. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE # PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF # CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, # ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # # PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 # COPYRIGHTENDKEY # This directory contains polymorphic actors. ME = ptolemy/actor/lib # $PTII/configure looks for Colt and sets PTCOLT_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTCOLT_DIR is empty. # $PTII/configure looks for ojdbc6.jar and sets PTDATABASE_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTDATABASE_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for jxl.jar and sets PTEXCEL_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTEXCEL_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for jna.jar and sets PTFMI_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTFMI_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for Java Advanced Imaging and sets PTJAI_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if was found. Otherwise, PTJAI_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for JavaMail sets PTJAVAMAIL_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTJAVAMAIL_DIR is empty. # $PTII/configure looks for JavaScript js.jar and sets PTJAVASCRIPT_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTJAVASCRIPT_DIR is empty. # $PTII/configure looks for Java Media Framework and sets PTJMF_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTJMF_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for the Joystick interface and sets PTJOYSTICK_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTJOYSTICK_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for Jython and sets PTJYTHON_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTJYTHON_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for Open Computer Vision and sets PTOPENCV_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTOPENCV_DIR is empty. # # $PTII/configure looks for the Vertx jars in $PTII/lib and sets PTVERTX_DIR in # $PTII/mk/ptII.mk if it was found. Otherwise, PTVERTX_DIR is empty. # DIRS = aspect conversions gui logic hoc image test \ javasound jopio net io xslt \ test comm security string tutorial vhdl video \ $(PTCOLT_DIR) $(PTDATABASE_DIR) $(PTFMI_DIR) \ $(PTEXCEL_DIR) $(PTJAI_DIR) $(PTJAVAMAIL_DIR) \ $(PTJAVASCRIPT) \ $(PTJMF_DIR) $(PTJOYSTICK_DIR) \ $(PTJYTHON_DIR) $(PTOPENCV_DIR) \ $(PTVERTX_DIR) # Root of the Java directory ROOT = ../../.. # Do not add diva.jar to the CLASSPATH in actor/lib/makefile # instead, move any actors that require diva.jar into actor/lib/gui -cxh CLASSPATH = $(ROOT) # Get configuration info CONFIG = $(ROOT)/mk/ptII.mk include $(CONFIG) # Used to build jar files PTPACKAGE = lib PTCLASSJAR = # Include these jars in PTAUXALLJAR # plotmlapplet pulls in the com/microstar/xml and util/ classes PTAUXALLJARS = \ comm/comm.jar \ conversions/conversions.jar \ hoc/hoc.jar \ io/io.jar \ image/image.jar \ logic/logic.jar \ string/string.jar # Common actors for Ptolemy Kore PTAUXALLJAR = libKore.jar # Include the .class files from these jars in PTCLASSALLJAR PTCLASSALLJARS = \ $(PTAUXALLJARS) \ fmi/fmi.jar \ gui/gui.jar \ javasound/javasound.jar \ jopio/jopio.jar \ net/net.jar \ security/security.jar \ vhdl/vhdl.jar \ video/video.jar \ xslt/xslt.jar PTCLASSALLJAR = $(PTPACKAGE).jar # Keep this list alphabetized. JSRCS = \ AddSubtract.java \ AbsoluteValue.java \ Accumulator.java \ ArrayAccumulate.java \ ArrayAppend.java \ ArrayAverage.java \ ArrayContains.java \ ArrayElement.java \ ArrayElementAsMatrix.java \ ArrayExtract.java \ ArrayLength.java \ ArrayLevelCrossing.java \ ArrayMaximum.java \ ArrayMinimum.java \ ArrayPeakSearch.java \ ArrayRemoveElement.java \ ArraySort.java \ ArraySum.java \ ArrayToElements.java \ ArrayToMatrix.java \ ArrayUpdate.java \ Assert.java \ Average.java \ Bernoulli.java \ BooleanMultiplexor.java \ BooleanSelect.java \ BooleanSwitch.java \ BusAssembler.java \ BusDisassembler.java \ CatchExceptionAttribute.java \ ClassWrapper.java \ Clock.java \ Commutator.java \ ComputeHistogram.java \ ConfigurationSelect.java \ ConfigurationSwitch.java \ Const.java \ Counter.java \ CurrentDate.java \ CurrentMicrostep.java \ CurrentTime.java \ DateConstructor.java \ DateElements.java \ Default.java \ DelayStart.java \ Differential.java \ DoubleReader.java \ DB.java \ Dictionary.java \ Discard.java \ DiscreteClock.java \ DiscreteRandomSource.java \ Distributor.java \ ElementsToArray.java \ ExceptionManager.java \ ExceptionManagerModel.java \ ExceptionSubscriber.java \ Exec.java \ ExecutionTime.java \ Exit.java \ Expression.java \ FileWriter.java \ Gaussian.java \ GetCausalityInterface.java \ GradientAdaptiveLattice.java \ IIR.java \ Interpolator.java \ Lattice.java \ LevinsonDurbin.java \ Limiter.java \ LimitedFiringSource.java \ LinearDifferenceEquationSystem.java \ LookupTable.java \ MathFunction.java \ MatrixToArray.java \ MaxIndex.java \ Maximum.java \ MicrostepDelay.java \ Minimum.java \ ModifyDate.java \ MovingAverage.java \ MovingMaximum.java \ Multiplexor.java \ MultiplyDivide.java \ NonStrictTest.java \ OrderedMerge.java \ OrderedRecordAssembler.java \ Pause.java \ PhaseUnwrap.java \ PoissonClock.java \ Publisher.java \ PublisherNonStrictTest.java \ PublisherTest.java \ Pulse.java \ Quantizer.java \ Ramp.java \ RandomInteger.java \ RandomSource.java \ Reader.java \ RecordAssembler.java \ RecordDisassembler.java \ RecordUpdater.java \ Recorder.java \ RecursiveLattice.java \ Remainder.java \ RemoveNilTokens.java \ ResettableTimer.java \ Rician.java \ RunningMaximum.java \ RunningMinimum.java \ Sampler.java \ Scale.java \ Select.java \ Sequence.java \ SequenceActor.java \ Sequencer.java \ SequenceSource.java \ SequentialClock.java \ SetVariable.java \ SingleEvent.java \ SingleTokenCommutator.java \ Sink.java \ Sleep.java \ Source.java \ Stop.java \ StringConst.java \ SubMatrix.java \ Subscriber.java \ SubscriptionAggregator.java \ Switch.java \ Synchronizer.java \ SynchronizeToRealTime.java \ Test.java \ TestExceptionAttribute.java \ TestExceptionHandler.java \ ThrowException.java \ ThrowModelError.java \ TimeDelay.java \ TimedSource.java \ TopLevelCurrentTime.java \ Transformer.java \ Triangular.java \ TrigFunction.java \ TriggeredClock.java\ TrigFunction.java \ TypeTest.java \ UnaryMathFunction.java \ Uniform.java \ UnionDisassembler.java \ UnionMerge.java \ URLReader.java \ URLDirectoryReader.java \ VariableClock.java \ VariableSleep.java \ VectorAssembler.java \ VectorDisassembler.java \ WallClockTime.java \ Writer.java OTHER_FILES_TO_BE_JARED = \ AbsoluteValueIcon.xml \ AccumulatorIcon.png \ AccumulatorIcon.xml \ ArrayAccumulateIcon.xml \ ArrayAppendIcon.xml \ ArrayAverageIcon.xml \ ArrayContainsIcon.xml \ ArrayElementAsMatrixIcon.xml \ ArrayElementIcon.xml \ ArrayExtractIcon.xml \ ArrayLengthIcon.xml \ ArrayLevelCrossingIcon.xml \ ArrayMaximumIcon.xml \ ArrayMinimumIcon.xml \ ArraySumIcon.xml \ ArrayPeakSearchIcon.xml \ ArrayRemoveElementIcon.xml \ ArraySortIcon.xml \ ArrayUpdateIcon.xml \ AverageIcon.xml \ BernoulliIcon.xml \ BooleanMultiplexorIcon.xml \ BooleanSelectIcon.xml \ BooleanSwitchIcon.xml \ ChopMultirate.xml \ CommutatorIcon.xml \ ComputeHistogramIcon.xml \ ConfigurationSelectIcon.xml \ ConfigurationSwitchIcon.xml \ CounterIcon.xml \ CurrentDateIcon.xml \ DateConstructorIcon.xml \ DateElementsIcon.xml \ DBIcon.xml \ DefaultIcon.xml \ Dice.gif \ DictionaryIcon.xml \ DifferentialIcon.xml \ DiscardIcon.xml \ DiscreteRandomSourceIcon.xml \ DistributorIcon.xml \ GaussianIcon.xml \ IIRIcon.xml \ InterpolatorIcon.xml \ LimiterIcon.xml \ LookupTableIcon.xml \ MaximumIcon.xml \ MicrostepDelayIcon.xml \ MinimumIcon.xml \ ModifyDateIcon.xml \ MultiplexorIcon.xml \ MovingAverageIcon.xml \ TriangularIcon.xml \ PowerEstimate.xml \ PulseIcon.xml \ QuantizerIcon.xml \ RemainderIcon.xml \ ResettableTimerIcon.xml \ RunningMaximumIcon.xml \ RunningMinimumIcon.xml \ SelectIcon.xml \ SequencerIcon.xml \ Sinewave.gif \ Sinewave.xml \ SinewaveIcon.xml \ SingleEventIcon.xml \ SwitchIcon.xml \ SynchronizeToRealTimeIcon.xml \ TimeDelayIcon.xml \ TimedSine.xml \ TriggeredSinewave.xml \ TriggeredSinewaveIcon.xml \ UniformIcon.xml \ aggregators.xml \ array.xml \ booleanflowcontrol.xml \ busses.xml \ communications.xml \ datastores.xml \ esoteric.xml \ exception.xml \ executioncontrol.xml \ filtering.xml \ flowcontrol.xml \ genericsinks.xml \ genericsources.xml \ math.xml \ matrix.xml \ random.xml \ RandomIntegerIcon.xml \ randomNoColt.xml \ realtime.xml \ RicianIcon.xml \ sequencecontrol.xml \ SequenceIcon.xml \ sequencesinks.xml \ sequencesources.xml \ signalprocessing.xml \ sinks.xml \ sources.xml \ spectrum.xml \ statistical.xml \ test.xml \ timedsinks.xml \ timedsources.xml \ EXTRA_SRCS = $(JSRCS) $(OTHER_FILES_TO_BE_JARED) # Sources that may or may not be present, but if they are present, we don't # want make checkjunk to barf on them. MISC_FILES = $(DIRS) # make checkjunk will not report OPTIONAL_FILES as trash # make distclean removes OPTIONAL_FILES OPTIONAL_FILES = \ comm \ doc \ jai \ javasound \ jmf \ jni \ joystick \ js \ mail \ opencv \ reactable \ vertx \ 'AbsoluteValue$$1.class' \ 'AbsoluteValue$$FunctionTerm.class' \ 'AbsoluteValue$$TypeOfAbsoluteValue.class' \ 'ArrayElement$$ArrayTypeFunction.class' \ 'Assert$$1.class' \ 'Assert$$AssertPort.class' \ 'Commutator$$WidthDependentParameter.class' \ 'Dictionary$$1.class' \ 'Dictionary$$EmptyScope.class' \ 'Distributor$$WidthDependentParameter.class' \ 'Exec$$_StreamReaderThread.class' \ 'Expression$$1.class' \ 'Expression$$OutputTypeFunction.class' \ 'Expression$$VariableScope.class' \ 'RecordDisassembler$$1.class' \ 'RecordDisassembler$$PortFunction.class' \ 'RecordUpdater$$1.class' \ 'RecordUpdater$$FunctionTerm.class' \ 'RecordUpdater$$MinimalOutputTerm.class' \ 'Scale$$1.class' \ 'Scale$$PortParamFunction.class' \ 'Scale$$PortParameterFunction.class' \ 'SetVariable$$1.class' \ 'TimeDelay$$PendingEvent.class' \ 'UnionDisassembler$$1.class' \ 'UnionDisassembler$$PortFunction.class' JCLASS = $(JSRCS:%.java=%.class) all: jclass install: jclass jars # Get the rest of the rules include $(ROOT)/mk/ptcommon.mk