header {/* Lexer/Parser for Ptalon. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 COPYRIGHTENDKEY */ package ptolemy.actor.ptalon; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Ptalon Parser //// { /** PtalonRecognizer.java generated from populator.g by ANTLR. @author Adam Cataldo, Elaine Cheong, Thomas Huining Feng @version $Id: parser.g 53095 2009-04-12 19:12:45Z cxh $ @since Ptolemy II 7.0 @Pt.ProposedRating Red (celaine) @Pt.AcceptedRating Red (celaine) */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") } class PtalonRecognizer extends Parser; options { exportVocab = Ptalon; k = 2; buildAST = true; defaultErrorHandler = false; ASTLabelType = "PtalonAST"; } { private boolean _gtExtension = false; private boolean _isInTransformation = false; public void enableGTExtension(boolean enable) { _gtExtension = enable; } } /** * Parse for statement: *

portType ID *

where portType is either "port", "inport", or "outport". * Generate corresponding tree #(PORT ID), #(INPORT ID), or #(OUTPORT ID). */ port_declaration! { boolean dynamic_name = false; } : (a:PORT { #port_declaration = #a; } (! LBRACKET RBRACKET { #port_declaration = #[MULTIPORT, "multiport"]; } )? | b:INPORT { #port_declaration = #b; } (! LBRACKET RBRACKET { #port_declaration = #[MULTIINPORT, "multiinport"]; } )? | c:OUTPORT { #port_declaration = #c; } (! LBRACKET RBRACKET { #port_declaration = #[MULTIOUTPORT, "multioutport"]; } )? ) d:ID (e:expression { dynamic_name = true; } )? { if (dynamic_name) { #port_declaration.addChild(#([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], d, e)); } else { #port_declaration.addChild(#d); } } ; /** * Parse for one of: *

parameter ID *

actor ID *

where parameterType is either "parameter", "intparameter", or * "outparameter". * Generate corresponding tree #(PARAMETER ID), #(INTPARAMETER ID), or * #(BOOLPARAMETER ID). */ parameter_declaration! { boolean addChild = true; boolean dynamic_name = false; } : (p:PARAMETER c:ID (n:expression { dynamic_name = true; } )? (EQUALS e:expression { if (dynamic_name) { #parameter_declaration = #([PARAM_EQUALS, "="], (p, ([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], c, n)), e); } else { #parameter_declaration = #([PARAM_EQUALS, "="], (p, c), e); } addChild = false; } )? { if (addChild) { if (dynamic_name) { #parameter_declaration = #(p, ([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], c, n)); } else { #parameter_declaration = #(p, c); } } } | (a:ACTOR | ACTORPARAM { #a = #[ACTOR, "actor"]; } ) d:ID (EQUALS q:qualified_identifier { #parameter_declaration = #([ACTOR_EQUALS, "="], (a, d), q); addChild = false; } )? { if (addChild) { #parameter_declaration = #(a, d); } } ) ; /** * Parse relation declaration: *

relation ID *

Generate tree #(RELATION ID) */ relation_declaration : r:RELATION^ i:ID (! e:expression { #relation_declaration = #(r, ([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], i, e)); } )? ; transparent_relation_declaration! { boolean created = false; } : (t:TRANSPARENT RELATION | PORT r:REFERENCE ) i:ID (! e:expression { #transparent_relation_declaration = #([TRANSPARENT, "transparent"], ([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], i, e)); created = true; } )? { if (!created) { #transparent_relation_declaration = #([TRANSPARENT, "transparent"], i); } } ; /** * Parse qualified identifier: *

ID *

or *

ID.qualified_identifier *

Generate tree #(QUALID) */ qualified_identifier! { StringBuffer identifier = new StringBuffer(); } : (p:ID COLON { identifier.append(#p.getText() + ":"); } )? a:keyword_or_identifier { identifier.append(#a.getText()); } (DOT b:keyword_or_identifier { identifier.append("." + #b.getText()); } )* { #qualified_identifier = #[QUALID, identifier.toString()]; } ; keyword_or_identifier: ID | IMPORT | PORT | INPORT | OUTPORT | PARAMETER | ACTOR | RELATION | TRUE | FALSE | IF | ELSE | IS | FOR | INITIALLY | NEXT | DANGLING_PORTS_OKAY | ATTACH_DANGLING_PORTS | TRANSPARENT | REFERENCE ; /** * Parse statements of one of form: *

ID := ID *

ID := actor_declaration *

ID := arithmetic_expression *

ID := boolean_expression *

with preference given in that order. Generate corresponding * tree: *


#(ASSIGN ID actor_declaration) *

#(ASSIGN ID expression) */ assignment! { boolean dynamic_name = false; boolean dynamic_left = false; } : l:ID (lExp:expression { dynamic_left = true; } )? a:ASSIGN ((ID (expression)? (RPAREN | COMMA)) => r:ID (e:expression { dynamic_name = true; } )? { PtalonAST left; if (dynamic_left) { left = #([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], l, lExp); } else { left = #l; } if (dynamic_name) { #assignment = #(a, left, ([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], r, e)); } else { #assignment = #(a, left, r); } } | (d:actor_declaration { #assignment = #(a, l, d); } | f:expression { #assignment = #(a, l, f); } ) ) ; /** * Parse anything inside XML-like block *

< /> *

Generate the tree *


where the text of the token EXPRESSION is the expression * inside the XML-like block. * */ expression! { String out = ""; } : b:EXPRESSION { String full = b.getText(); int length = full.length(); out += full.substring(2, length - 2); #expression = #[EXPRESSION, out]; } ; /** * Parse statements of one of form: *

ID(assignment, assignment, ...) *

Generate tree: *

#(ACTOR_DECLARATION assignment assignment ...) *

where the text for token ACTOR_DECLARATION is the leftmost * ID in the statement, or the name of the declared actor. */ actor_declaration! : (a:actor_id ASSIGN)? b:ID LPAREN { #b = #[ACTOR_DECLARATION, b.getText()]; #actor_declaration = #(b); if (#a != null) { #actor_declaration.addChild(#a); } } (c:assignment { #actor_declaration.addChild(#c); } (COMMA d:assignment { #actor_declaration.addChild(#d); } )*)? RPAREN ; actor_id! : a:ID { #actor_id = #[ACTOR_ID, a.getText()]; } (b:expression)? { #actor_id.addChild(#b); } ; atomic_statement : (port_declaration | parameter_declaration | relation_declaration | transparent_relation_declaration | actor_declaration | transformation_declaration) SEMI! ; transformation_declaration! { boolean dynamic_name = false; } : (({!_isInTransformation}? (n:NEGATE { #transformation_declaration = #n; } | o:OPTIONAL { #transformation_declaration = #o; })) | ({_isInTransformation}? (r:REMOVE { #transformation_declaration = #r; } | p:PRESERVE { #transformation_declaration = #p; }))) d:ID (e:expression { dynamic_name = true; } )? { if (dynamic_name) { #transformation_declaration.addChild(#([DYNAMIC_NAME, "dynamic"], d, e)); } else { #transformation_declaration.addChild(#d); } } ; conditional_statement! { AST trueTree = null; AST falseTree = null; } : i:IF b:expression { #conditional_statement = #(i, b); trueTree = #[TRUEBRANCH, "true branch"]; falseTree = #[FALSEBRANCH, "false branch"]; } LCURLY! (a1:atomic_statement { trueTree.addChild(#a1); } | c1:conditional_statement { trueTree.addChild(#c1); } | i1:iterative_statement { trueTree.addChild(#i1); } )* RCURLY! (ELSE! LCURLY! (a2:atomic_statement { falseTree.addChild(#a2); } | c2:conditional_statement { falseTree.addChild(#c2); } | i2:iterative_statement { falseTree.addChild(#i2); } )* RCURLY!)? { #conditional_statement.addChild(trueTree); #conditional_statement.addChild(falseTree); } ; iterative_statement! : f:FOR a:ID b:INITIALLY init:expression sat:expression LCURLY { #iterative_statement = #(f, ([VARIABLE, "variable"], a), (b, init), ([SATISFIES, "satisfies"], sat)); } (it:iterative_statement { #iterative_statement.addChild(#it); } | cond:conditional_statement { #iterative_statement.addChild(#cond); } | at:atomic_statement { #iterative_statement.addChild(#at); } )* RCURLY c:NEXT next:expression { #iterative_statement.addChild(#(c, next)); } ; actor_definition! { boolean danglingPortsOkay = false; boolean attachDanglingPorts = false; } : { #actor_definition = #[ACTOR_DEFINITION]; _isInTransformation = false; } (d:danglingPortsOkay { danglingPortsOkay = true; } )? (at:attachDanglingPorts { attachDanglingPorts = true; } )? a:ID { #actor_definition.setText(a.getText()); if (danglingPortsOkay) { #actor_definition.addChild(#d); } if (attachDanglingPorts) { #actor_definition.addChild(#at); } } IS! LCURLY! (b:atomic_statement { #actor_definition.addChild(#b); } | c:conditional_statement { #actor_definition.addChild(#c); } | i:iterative_statement { #actor_definition.addChild(#i); } )* RCURLY! (| {_gtExtension}? t:transformation { #actor_definition.addChild(#t); }) ; transformation! : { #transformation = #[TRANSFORMATION]; _isInTransformation = true; } TRANSFORM (s:PLUS { #transformation.addChild(#s); })? LCURLY! (b:atomic_statement { #transformation.addChild(#b); } | c:conditional_statement { #transformation.addChild(#c); } | i:iterative_statement { #transformation.addChild(#i); } )* { _isInTransformation = false; } RCURLY! ; danglingPortsOkay : DANGLING_PORTS_OKAY SEMI! ; attachDanglingPorts : ATTACH_DANGLING_PORTS SEMI! ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Ptalon Lexer //// { /** PtalonLexer.java generated from populator.g by ANTLR. @author Adam Cataldo, Elaine Cheong, Thomas Huining Feng @version $Id: parser.g 53095 2009-04-12 19:12:45Z cxh $ @since Ptolemy II 7.0 @Pt.ProposedRating Red (celaine) @Pt.AcceptedRating Red (celaine) */ } class PtalonLexer extends Lexer; options { exportVocab = Ptalon; testLiterals = false; k = 3; } tokens { IMPORT = "import"; PORT = "port"; INPORT = "inport"; OUTPORT = "outport"; PARAMETER = "parameter"; ACTOR = "actor"; ACTORPARAM = "actorparameter"; RELATION = "relation"; TRUE = "true"; FALSE = "false"; IF = "if"; ELSE = "else"; IS = "is"; FOR = "for"; INITIALLY = "initially"; NEXT = "next"; DANGLING_PORTS_OKAY = "danglingPortsOkay"; ATTACH_DANGLING_PORTS = "attachDanglingPorts"; TRANSPARENT = "transparent"; REFERENCE = "reference"; TRUEBRANCH; FALSEBRANCH; QUALID; ATTRIBUTE; ACTOR_DECLARATION; ACTOR_DEFINITION; TRANSFORMATION; NEGATIVE_SIGN; POSITIVE_SIGN; ARITHMETIC_FACTOR; BOOLEAN_FACTOR; LOGICAL_BUFFER; ARITHMETIC_EXPRESSION; BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION; MULTIPORT; MULTIINPORT; MULTIOUTPORT; PARAM_EQUALS; ACTOR_EQUALS; SATISFIES; VARIABLE; DYNAMIC_NAME; ACTOR_LABEL; QUALIFIED_PORT; NEGATE = "negate"; OPTIONAL = "optional"; REMOVE = "remove"; PRESERVE = "preserve"; ACTOR_ID; } // Punctuation symbols ASSIGN: ":="; COMMA: ','; DOT: '.'; LBRACKET: '['; LCURLY: '{'; LPAREN: '('; RBRACKET: ']'; RCURLY: '}'; RPAREN: ')'; SEMI: ';'; EQUALS: '='; COLON: ':'; TRANSFORM: "=>"; PLUS: '+'; // Escape sequence ESC: '\\' ('n' | 'r' | 't' | 'b' | 'f' | '"' | '\'') ; // An identifier. Note that testLiterals is set to true! This means // that after we match the rule, we look in the literals table to see // if it's a literal or really an identifier. ID options { testLiterals=true; } : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'$') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')* ; // Number literals NUMBER_LITERAL: ('0'..'9')+ ('.' ('0'..'9')+)? ; // String literals STRING_LITERAL : '"' (ESC | ~('"'|'\\'|'\n'|'\r'))* '"' ; // Whitespace -- ignored WHITE_SPACE : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\f' | ('\r' '\n' | '\r' | '\n') { newline(); } ) { $setType(Token.SKIP); } ; LINE_COMMENT : "//" (~('\n' | '\r'))* ((('\r' '\n') | '\r' | '\n') { newline(); })? { $setType(Token.SKIP); } ; EXPRESSION : '[' '[' ( options { greedy = false; } : . )* ']' ']' ; COMMENT : '/' '*' ( options { greedy = false; } : . )* '*' '/' { $setType(Token.SKIP); } ;