Tour of Ptolemy II

If you are viewing this from within Vergil, the graphical editor for Ptolemy II, then many of the following links will open models that highlight the key features of Ptolemy II. If you are using an ordinary web browser, then you will see the XML definition of the models. To run the models in Vergil, click on the red triangle in the toolbar. The diagrams are fully editable, so feel free to explore. You can also access the complete list of demos . Contents:

Application Domain-Specific Modeling

Ptolemy II can be used to build sophisticated application domain-specific modeling capabilities and frameworks. These frameworks can be packaged as separate executable applications (e.g. HyVisual or VisualSense) or accessed from within Ptolemy II. Here, we illustrate some such frameworks.

Heterogeneous Models

A particular capability of Ptolemy II is the ability to mix models of computation. These examples illustrate some of these capabilities.

Basic Modeling Capabilities

Many common models of computation have been implemented in Ptolemy II. This section illustrates some of them.