# Makefile for Ptolemy II shallow codegeneration # # @Author: # @Version: $Id: makefile.in 53142 2009-04-20 19:12:35Z cxh $ # # This file is based on a template # at $PTII/ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/makefile.in # Root of the Java directory ROOT = @ptII@ CLASSPATH = $(ROOT) # Get configuration info CONFIG = $(ROOT)/mk/ptII.mk include $(CONFIG) # Used to build jar files PTPACKAGE = @modelName@ PTCLASSJAR = $(PTPACKAGE).jar JSRCS = OTHER_FILES_TO_BE_JARED = \ $(JSRCS) EXTRA_SRCS = \ $(OTHER_FILES_TO_BE_JARED) # Sources that may or may not be present, but if they are present, we don't # want make checkjunk to barf on them. MISC_FILES = $(DIRS) # make checkjunk will not report OPTIONAL_FILES as trash # make realclean removes OPTIONAL_FILES OPTIONAL_FILES = \ doc JCLASS = $(JSRCS:%.java=%.class) # Don't include all or install rules here, we want the user # to run 'make demos' to run the tests. all: jclass @echo "To run the demos, run 'make demo'" install: all $(PTCLASSJAR) longTest: demo smokeTest: demo demo: "$(JAVA)" -Xfuture -classpath "$(CLASSPATH)" ptolemy.actor.gui.MoMLSimpleStatisticalApplication @modelName@.xml # Get the rest of the rules include $(ROOT)/mk/ptcommon.mk