Automatic Code Generation for Heterogeneous Multiprocessors

José L. Pino, Thomas M. Parks, and Edward A. Lee

Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. II, pp. 445-448
Adelaide, Australia, April, 1994.

Prepublished version
Published version


This paper describes the use of Ptolemy to automatically generate code for heterogeneous multiprocessor systems. The framework presented lets the designer migra te from simulation to code generation while developing an application that is specified by constructing a dataflow graph. From primitive send and receive actors , the framework can automatically construct three classes of interprocessor comm unication (IPC) interfaces. The first type of interface uses a synchronous dataflow (SDF) parallel scheduler to partition and schedule the graph across the available processors. The second type of interface allows hierarchical use of cooper ating schedulers within an application. Finally, the third interface uses the se nd and receive actors as an interface between code generation and simulation sys tems in Ptolemy. To illustrate the framework, we present an example of a heterogeneous architecture consisting of a workstation with multiple Motorola 56001 processors. We present the relative strengths and weaknesses of each type of interf ace.