The Tenth Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference Program
November 7, 2013, The Wozniak Lounge, 4th Floor, Soda Hall, UC Berkeley.
Note: The titles may change slightly.
8:00 am to 8:30 am |
Continental Breakfast |
8:30 am to 9:00 am |
Tenth Biennial Ptolemy Miniconference, Edward Lee (Berkeley) |
9:00 am to 9:20 am |
Aspect Oriented Models and CPS, Patricia Derler (Berkeley) |
9:20 am to 9:40 am |
Aspect-Oriented Fault Modeling and Anomaly Detection, Ilge Akkaya (Berkeley) |
9:40 am to 10:00 am |
Attack Modeling in Ptolemy: Towards a Secure Design for Cyber-Physical Systems, Armin Wasicek (Berkeley) |
10:00 am to 10:30 am |
Break |
10:30 am to 10:50am |
Developing Faithful Models of Body Sensor Networks, Philip Asare, John Lach, and John A. Stankovic (University of Virginia) |
10:50 am to 11:10am |
Light-Weight Synthesis of Ptolemy Diagrams with KIELER, Ulf Ruegg, Christian Schneider, Christoph Daniel Schulze, Miro Sponeman, Christian Motika, and Reinhard von Hanxleden (University of Kiel) |
11:10 am to 11:30am |
Modeling user interfaces with Cal and Ptolemy, Hallvard Traetteberg (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) |
11:30 am to 12:00 pm |
90 second Poster Tweets |
12:00 pm to 2:20 pm |
Working Lunch and Poster Session |
2:20 pm to 2:40 pm |
Efficient Schedulability Testing for Ptides, Christos Stergiou (Berkeley) |
2:40 pm to 3:00 pm |
A Formalization of the Ptolemy II Type System, Chris Shaver, Marten Lohstroh (Berkeley) |
3:00 pm to 3:20pm |
Web Service Architecture for Composable, Interdisciplinary Applications, Elizabeth Latronico (Berkeley) |
3:20 pm to 3:40 pm |
Break |
3:40 pm to 4:00 pm |
BPDF: A Statically Analyzable Dataflow Model with Integer and Boolean Parameters, Vagelis Bebelis, Pascal Fradet, Alain Girault, and Bruno Lavigueur (INRIA) |
4:00 pm to 4:20 pm |
System-level Synthesis of Dataflow applications for FPGA-based distributed systems, Hugo Andrade, Kaushik Ravindran, Alejandro Asenjo, Casey Weltzin (National Instruments) |
4:20 pm to 4:40pm |
Dataflow in the Data Center, Adam Cataldo (Wealthfront) |
4:40 pm to 5:00 pm |
The Ptolemy Project: Advancing System Design, Edward A. Lee (Berkeley) |
5:15 pm to 8:00 pm |
Reception and Dinner, The Faculty Club, Heyns room Dinner Speaker: Chamberlain Fong: Claudius Ptolemaeus, Geographer |
Ilge Akkaya |
Berkeley |
Real-Time Machine Improvisation in Ptolemy II |
Rajiv Bannerjee |
IIS Banglaore |
Cyber Physical Systems - Rebirth of System Engineering |
David Broman |
Berkeley |
Liangpeng Guo |
Berkeley |
Bridging Functional and Architectural Aspects by Metro II Semantics |
Hokeun Kim |
Berkeley |
A Tool Integration Approach for Architectural Exploration of Aircraft Electric Power Systems |
Eleftherios Matsikoudis Christos Stergiou |
Berkeley |
The act Programming Language |
Christian Motika1, Steven Smyth1, Reinhard von Hanxleden1, Michael Mendler2 |
1University of Kiel 2University of Bamberg
SCCharts: Sequentially Constructive Charts
Marten Lohstroh, Edward A. Lee |
Berkeley |
Chris Shaver, Marten Lohstroh |
Berkeley |
Stavros Tripakis |
Berkeley |
Determinate Composition of FMUs for Co-Simulation |
Gerald Wang |
National Instruments |
Communication Storage Optimization for SDF with Access Patterns under Periodic Scheduling and Throughput Constraint |
Matt Weber |
Berkeley |
Self-Organizing Semantic LocalizationSelf-Organizing Semantic Localization |
Edmund Widl, Wolfgang Muller, Elsheikh Atiyah, Peter Palensky |
Austria Institute of Technology |
Linking FMI-based components with Ptolemy II's Discrete Event Domain. |
Ben Zhang |
Berkeley |
Swarm-in-the-loop Simulation and Simulation-in-the-loop Swarm |
Michael Zimmer |
Berkeley |
Timing Predictable Processors as a Platform for Mixed-Criticality Systems |