Package diva.canvas.connector

Support for "connectors," which are figures that draw themselves between sites on other figures.


Interface Summary
Connector A Connector is a figure that draws itself between two sites on other figures.
ConnectorEnd An interface for objects that can be attached to the end of a connector.
ConnectorListener A listener for changes in a connector's connectivity.
ConnectorTarget An object that is used to get suitable "target" sites for connectors.
ManhattanRouter A ManhattanRouter is an object that routes Polylines as a series of perpendicular edges.
Router A Router is an object that can be used to help a connector route itself.
Terminal A Terminal is a figure that provides a visible place for connectors to connect to.

Class Summary
AbstractConnector An abstract implementation of Connector.
AbstractConnectorTarget An abstract implementation of the ConnectorTarget interface.
ArcConnector A Connector that draws itself in an arc.
ArcInteractor An interactor for dragging either end of an arc connector and for for altering the shape of the arc by dragging a midpoint grab handle.
ArcManipulator A manipulator for arc connectors.
ArcMidpointSite A concrete implementation of Site that is located in the center of the bounding box of a figure.
Arrowhead An arrowhead that is drawn on the end of a connector.
AutonomousSite A site that is not attached to a figure.
BasicManhattanRouter A basic manhattan router.
Blob An object that draws a blob of some kind on the end of a connector.
BoundsSite A site that locates itself on the bounds of a figure's shape.
CenterSite A concrete implementation of Site that is located in the center of the bounding box of a figure.
CenterTarget An implementation of connector targets that finds center sites.
ConnectorAdapter An adapter for connector listeners.
ConnectorEvent A graph event that is emitted when anything interesting happens inside a graph by way of a GraphModel.
ConnectorInteractor An interactor for dragging one end of a connector.
ConnectorManipulator A manipulator which attaches grab handles to the ends of a connector.
FixedNormalSite A site decorator that disallows changing the normal.
IncrManhattanRouter A manhattan router which does only incremental routing and delegates static routing to another manhattan router implementation.
ManhattanConnector A Connector that draws itself with perpendicular lines.
NullSite A site that doesn't do anything useful.
ParametricSite A site that locates itself in a figure at a location in X and Y that is some percentage of the bounding box of the figure.
PerimeterSite A site that locates itself on the perimeter of a figure.
PerimeterTarget A connector target that returns sites on the perimeter of a figure.
StraightConnector A Connector that draws itself in a straight line.
StraightTerminal A terminal that consists of a straight line plus an additional decoration at the connection end of the terminal.
TerminalFigure A TerminalFigure decorates a figure to be a terminal as well.

Package diva.canvas.connector Description

Support for "connectors," which are figures that draw themselves between sites on other figures. This package contains: