Package diva.graph.basic

The diva.graph.basic package.


Class Summary
ArcRenderer An EdgeRenderer that draws arcs.
BasicEdgeRenderer A basic implementation of the EdgeRenderer interface.
BasicGraphController A basic implementation of GraphController, which works with simple graphs that have edges connecting simple nodes.
BasicGraphDemo The graph demo demonstrates basic graph editing and layout functionality, illustrates the key points of the graph architecture.
BasicGraphDemoApplet An applet version of the graph demo.
BasicGraphModel A basic implementation of a mutable graph model that stores its graph structure as a collection of nodes and edges (as opposed to an adjacency matrix).
BasicGraphModel.BasicCompositeNode A simple composite node implementation.
BasicGraphModel.BasicEdge A basic implementation of the Edge interface.
BasicGraphModel.BasicNode A simple node implementation.
BasicGraphModel.Intermediate A class that represents an intermediary between a semantic object and a visual representation.
BasicLayoutTarget The basic set of information necessary to layout a graph: a mapping the graph data structure to aspects of its visual representation, a viewport to layout in, and some manipulation routines including pick, place, and route.
BasicNodeRenderer A factory which creates and returns a NodeFigure given a node input to render.
BubbleGraphController A controller for bubble-and-arc graph editors.
BubbleGraphDemo Another graph demo.
BubbleGraphDemoApplet A bubble graph demo that can run in an applet.
BubblePane A pane containing a bubble-and-arc editor.
BubbleRenderer A factory which creates and returns a bubble given a node input to render.

Package diva.graph.basic Description

The diva.graph.basic package.

Ptolemy II 0.2