Package diva.util

The diva.util package.


Interface Summary
Filter An interface for objects that filter other objects
ModelParser ModelParser is an interface that should be extended by application specified model parsers.
ModelWriter ModelWriter is an interface that should be extended by application specified model writers to write out data structures to an output stream.
PropertyContainer An object that can be annotated with arbitrary objects whose keys are strings.
SemanticObjectContainer An object which is annotated with a single "semantic object" which is its semantic equivalent in an application.
UserObjectContainer An object which is annotated with a single "user object" which is its semantic equivalent in an application.

Class Summary
ArrayIterator An iterator over a given array.
BasicPropertyContainer An object that can be annotated with arbitrary objects whose keys are strings.
CompoundIterator An iterator over two iterators.
FilteredArrayIterator An iterator over an array, in which elements are filtered by some function.
FilteredIterator An iterator that takes another iterator, and applies a filter to each element that it gets.
IteratorAdapter An iterator that implements the Iterator, intended for subclassing so that you don't have to provide the remove() method all the time....
IteratorIterator An iterator that takes an iterator over objects that themselves produce iterators, and which iterators over the elements in the sub-iterators.
IteratorUtilities A collection of utilities dealing with iterators.
LoggableOp This is an abstract base class for objects that need to log error or warning messages.
NullArrayIterator An iterator over a given array which may contain nulls.
NullIterator An iterator over nothing.
PropertyChangeMulticaster A list of PropertyChangeListeners.
ProxyIterator An iterator that takes another iterator, and iterates over it.
ReverseIterator A reverse-order iterator over a List.
UnitIterator An iterator over a single object.

Package diva.util Description

The diva.util package.

Ptolemy II 1.0