Package org.mlc.swing.layout

FormLayoutMaker layout classes.


Interface Summary
ComponentBuilder All components that want to be included in the list of components that want to be part of the builder must implement this interface
MultiContainerFrame An interface for frames that can have multiple containers.

Class Summary
BeanProperty This represents a property in the ComponentBuilder.
ButtonBarComponentBuilder This is the component builder for the JGoodies ButtonBar.
ComponentDef A container class for all the definition data about a Component.
ContainerLayout This class acts as a surogate layout manager for the JGoodies ( FormLayout manager.
DefaultComponentBuilder This is meant to be subclassed when you want to create a ComponentBuilder that has simplistic behavior.
DndList DndList class.
DnDTable I'm creating a table subclass to make it easier to handle dragging and dropping
FormDebugPanel [Taken from the FormLayout codebase.
FormEditor This is the main panel that is used in LayoutFrame serving as the user interface for the builder.
JListComponentBuilder This is the ComponentBuilder used to build JLists.
JTableComponentBuilder This is the ComponentBuilder used to build JTables.
JToolBarComponentBuilder This is the ComponentBuilder that is used to build JToolBars.
JTreeComponentBuilder This is the ComponentBuilder used to build JTrees!
LayoutConstraintsManager This class handles the serialization and deserialization of the xml files that we are using to store the layout constraints.
LayoutFrame This is the frame that enables you to build a layout.
NewComponentDialog When performing drag-and-drop from the component palette to the table, this class is used to define or edit a component's settings.
SeparatorComponentBuilder This is the component builder for the JGoodies Separator.
UserPrefs This is a singleton container for handling user preferences.

Package org.mlc.swing.layout Description

FormLayoutMaker layout classes.


Ptolemy II 6.1