Class Manager

  extended by ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Runnable, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

public class Manager
extends NamedObj
implements java.lang.Runnable

A Manager governs the execution of a model in a domain-independent way. Its methods are designed to be called by a GUI, an applet, a command-line interface, or the top-level code of an application. The manager can execute the model in the calling thread or in a separate thread. The latter is useful when the caller wishes to remain live during the execution of the model.

There are three methods that can be used to start execution of a system attached to the manager. The execute() method is the most basic way to execute a model. The model will be executed synchronously, meaning that the execute() method will return when execution has completed. Any exceptions that occur will be thrown by the execute method to the calling thread, and will not be reported to any execution listeners. The run() method also initiates synchronous execution of a model, but additionally catches all exceptions and passes them to the notifyListenersOfException() method without throwing them to the calling thread. The startRun() method, unlike the previous two techniques, begins asynchronous execution of a model. This method starts a new thread for execution of the model and then returns immediately. Exceptions are reported using the notifyListenersOfException() method.

In addition, execution can be manually driven, one phase at a time, using the methods initialize(), iterate() and wrapup(). This is most useful for testing purposes. For example, a type system check only needs to get the resolved types, which are found during initialize, so the test can avoid actually executing the system. Also, when testing mutations, the model can be examined after each toplevel iteration to ensure the proper behavior.

A manager provides services for cleanly handling changes to the topology. These include such changes as adding or removing an entity, port, or relation, creating or destroying a link, and changing the value or type of a parameter. Collectively, such changes are called mutations. Usually, mutations cannot safely occur at arbitrary points in the execution of a model. Models can queue mutations with any object in the hierarchy or with the manager using the requestChange() method. An object in the hierarchy simply delegates the request to its container, so the request propagates up the hierarchy until it gets to the top level composite actor, which delegates to the manager, which performs the change at the earliest opportunity. In this implementation of Manager, the changes are executed between iterations.

A service is also provided whereby an object can be registered with the composite actor as a change listener. A change listener is informed when mutations that are requested via requestChange() are executed successfully, or when they fail with an exception.

Manager can optimize the performance of an execution by making the workspace write protected during an iteration, if all relevant directors permit this. This removes some of the overhead of obtaining read and write permission on the workspace. By default, directors do not permit this, but many directors explicitly relinquish write access to allow faster execution. Such directors are declaring that they will not make changes to the topology during execution. Instead, any desired mutations are delegated to the manager via the requestChange() method.

Many domains make use of static analyses for performing, e.g., static scheduling of actor firings. In some cases, these analyses must make use of global information. The class provides a centralized mechanism for managing such global analyses. During preinitialize, domains can invoke the getAnalysis and addAnalysis methods to create a global analysis. It is up to the users of this mechanism to ensure that a particular type of analysis is only created once, if that is what is required. After preinitialize, the manager clears the list of analyses, to avoid unnecessary memory usage, and to ensure that the analyses are performed again on the next invocation of the model. This is somewhat preferable to tying a cache of analysis information to the version of the workspace, since the version number of the workspace itself may change during preinitialize as domains add annotation to the model.

Ptolemy II 0.2
$Id: 59167 2010-09-21 17:08:02Z cxh $
Steve Neuendorffer, Lukito Muliadi, Edward A. Lee, Elaine Cheong, Contributor: Mudit Goel, John S. Davis II, Bert Rodiers, Daniel Crawl
See Also:
Serialized Form
Accepted Rating:
Yellow (cxh)
Proposed Rating:
Green (neuendor)

Nested Class Summary
static class Manager.State
          Instances of this class represent phases of execution, or the state of the manager.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Field Summary
private  java.util.List<Actor> _actorsToInitialize
private  CompositeActor _container
private  java.lang.Object _executionIdentifier
          An execution identifier.
private  java.util.List<java.lang.ref.WeakReference<ExecutionListener>> _executionListeners
private  boolean _exitAfterWrapup
private  boolean _finishRequested
private  int _iterationCount
private  java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> _nameToAnalysis
private  boolean _pauseRequested
private  long _preinitializeVersion
private  boolean _printTimeAndMemory
private  boolean _resumeNotifyWaiting
private  Manager.State _state
private  PtolemyThread _thread
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.Object> _throwableToExecutionIdentifier
private  boolean _typesResolved
static Manager.State CORRUPTED
          Indicator that the model may be corrupted.
static Manager.State EXITING
          Indicator that the execution is in the wrapup phase and about to exit.
static Manager.State IDLE
          Indicator that there is no currently active execution.
static Manager.State INFERING_WIDTHS
          Indicator that width inference is being done.
static Manager.State INITIALIZING
          Indicator that the execution is in the initialize phase.
static Manager.State ITERATING
          Indicator that the execution is in an iteration.
static int minimumStatisticsTime
          The minimum amount of time that may elapse during certain operations before statistics are generated.
static Manager.State PAUSED
          Indicator that the execution is paused.
static Manager.State PAUSED_ON_BREAKPOINT
          Indicator that the execution is paused on a breakpoint.
static Manager.State PREINITIALIZING
          Indicator that the execution is in the preinitialize phase.
static Manager.State RESOLVING_TYPES
          Indicator that type resolution is being done.
static Manager.State THROWING_A_THROWABLE
          Indicator that the execution is throwing a throwable.
static Manager.State WRAPPING_UP
          Indicator that the execution is in the wrapup phase.
Fields inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_changeListeners, _changeLock, _changeRequests, _debugging, _debugListeners, _elementName, _isPersistent, _verbose, _workspace, ATTRIBUTES, CLASSNAME, COMPLETE, CONTENTS, DEEP, FULLNAME, LINKS
Constructor Summary
          Construct a manager in the default workspace with an empty string as its name.
Manager(java.lang.String name)
          Construct a manager in the default workspace with the given name.
Manager(Workspace workspace, java.lang.String name)
          Construct a manager in the given workspace with the given name.
Method Summary
private  void _inferWidths()
          Infer the width of the relations for which no width has been specified yet.
protected  void _makeManagerOf(CompositeActor compositeActor)
          Make this manager the manager of the specified composite actor.
protected  void _notifyListenersOfCompletion()
          Deprecated. Incomplete name, use _notifyListenersOfSuccessfulCompletion()
protected  void _notifyListenersOfStateChange()
          Propagate the state change event to all the execution listeners.
protected  void _notifyListenersOfSuccessfulCompletion()
          Notify listeners that execution has completed successfully.
protected  void _setState(Manager.State newState)
          Set the state of execution and notify listeners if the state actually changes.
 void addAnalysis(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object analysis)
          Add a static analysis to this manager.
 void addExecutionListener(ExecutionListener listener)
          Add a listener to be notified when the model execution changes state.
 void enablePrintTimeAndMemory(boolean enabled)
          Enable or disable printing time and memory usage at the end of model execution.
 void execute()
          Execute the model.
 void exitAfterWrapup()
          Cause the system to exit after wrapup().
 void finish()
          If the state is not IDLE, set a flag to request that execution stop and exit in a completely deterministic fashion at the end of the next toplevel iteration.
 java.lang.Object getAnalysis(java.lang.String name)
          Get the analysis with the given name, or return null if no such analysis exists.
 NamedObj getContainer()
          Return the top-level composite actor for which this manager controls execution.
 java.lang.Object getExecutionIdentifier(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Get the execution identifier object for a throwable.
 int getIterationCount()
          Return the iteration count, which is the number of iterations that have been started (but not necessarily completed).
 Manager.State getState()
          Return the current state of execution of the manager.
 void initialize()
          Initialize the model.
 void invalidateResolvedTypes()
          Indicate that resolved types in the system may no longer be valid.
 boolean isExitingAfterWrapup()
          Return true if exitAfterWrapup() was called.
 boolean iterate()
          Invoke one iteration of the model.
 void notifyListenersOfException(java.lang.Exception exception)
          Notify all the execution listeners of an exception.
 void notifyListenersOfThrowable(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Notify all the execution listeners of a Throwable.
 void pause()
          Set a flag requesting that execution pause at the next opportunity (between iterations).
 void pauseOnBreakpoint(java.lang.String breakpointMessage)
          The thread that calls this method will wait until resume() has been called.
 void preinitializeAndResolveTypes()
          Preinitialize the model.
 void preinitializeIfNecessary()
          If the workspace version has changed since the last invocation of preinitializeAndResolveTypes(), then invoke it now and set the state of the Manager to IDLE upon completion.
 void removeExecutionListener(ExecutionListener listener)
          Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are notified of execution events.
 void requestInitialization(Actor actor)
          Queue an initialization request.
 void resolveTypes()
          Check types on all the connections and resolve undeclared types.
 void resume()
          If the model is paused, resume execution.
 void run()
          Execute the model, catching all exceptions.
 void setExecutionIdentifier(java.lang.Object executionIdentifier)
          Set the execution identifier object.
static java.lang.String shortDescription(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
          Deprecated. Instead ptolemy.util.MessageHandler.shortDescription()
 void startRun()
          Start an execution in another thread and return.
 void stop()
          If the state is not IDLE, set a flag to request that execution stop and exit in a completely deterministic fashion at the end of the next toplevel iteration.
 void terminate()
static java.lang.String timeAndMemory(long startTime)
          Return a string with the elapsed time since startTime, and the amount of memory used.
static java.lang.String timeAndMemory(long startTime, long totalMemory, long freeMemory)
          Return a string with the elapsed time since startTime, and the amount of memory used.
 void waitForCompletion()
          If there is an active thread created by startRun(), then wait for it to complete and return.
 void wrapup()
          Wrap up the model by invoking the wrapup method of the toplevel composite actor.
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_addAttribute, _adjustOverride, _attachText, _cloneFixAttributeFields, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _description, _exportMoMLContents, _getContainedObject, _getIndentPrefix, _isMoMLSuppressed, _markContentsDerived, _propagateExistence, _propagateValue, _recordDecoratedAttributes, _removeAttribute, _splitName, _stripNumericSuffix, _validateSettables, addChangeListener, addDebugListener, attributeChanged, attributeList, attributeList, attributeTypeChanged, clone, clone, containedObjectsIterator, deepContains, depthInHierarchy, description, description, event, executeChangeRequests, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoMLPlain, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getChangeListeners, getClassName, getDecoratorAttribute, getDecoratorAttributes, getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, getDisplayName, getElementName, getFullName, getModelErrorHandler, getName, getName, getPrototypeList, getSource, handleModelError, isDeferringChangeRequests, isOverridden, isPersistent, lazyContainedObjectsIterator, message, moveDown, moveToFirst, moveToIndex, moveToLast, moveUp, propagateExistence, propagateValue, propagateValues, removeChangeListener, removeDebugListener, requestChange, setClassName, setDeferringChangeRequests, setDerivedLevel, setDisplayName, setModelErrorHandler, setName, setPersistent, setSource, sortContainedObjects, toplevel, toString, uniqueName, validateSettables, workspace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final Manager.State CORRUPTED
Indicator that the model may be corrupted.


public static final Manager.State IDLE
Indicator that there is no currently active execution.


public static final Manager.State INFERING_WIDTHS
Indicator that width inference is being done.


public static final Manager.State INITIALIZING
Indicator that the execution is in the initialize phase.


public static final Manager.State ITERATING
Indicator that the execution is in an iteration.


public static final Manager.State PAUSED
Indicator that the execution is paused.


public static final Manager.State PAUSED_ON_BREAKPOINT
Indicator that the execution is paused on a breakpoint.


public static final Manager.State PREINITIALIZING
Indicator that the execution is in the preinitialize phase.


public static final Manager.State RESOLVING_TYPES
Indicator that type resolution is being done.


public static final Manager.State THROWING_A_THROWABLE
Indicator that the execution is throwing a throwable.


public static final Manager.State WRAPPING_UP
Indicator that the execution is in the wrapup phase.


public static final Manager.State EXITING
Indicator that the execution is in the wrapup phase and about to exit.


public static int minimumStatisticsTime
The minimum amount of time that may elapse during certain operations before statistics are generated. The Manager and other classes in Ptolemy will print out statistics if the amount of time (in milliseconds) named by this variable elapses during certain steps such as preinitialize(). The initial default value is 10000, meaning that certain operations can take up to 10 seconds before statistics are printed.

See Also:


private java.util.List<Actor> _actorsToInitialize


private CompositeActor _container


private java.lang.Object _executionIdentifier
An execution identifier. See #getExecutionIdentifier(Throwable throwable)


private java.util.List<java.lang.ref.WeakReference<ExecutionListener>> _executionListeners


private boolean _exitAfterWrapup


private boolean _finishRequested


private int _iterationCount


private java.util.HashMap<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> _nameToAnalysis


private boolean _pauseRequested


private long _preinitializeVersion


private boolean _printTimeAndMemory


private boolean _resumeNotifyWaiting


private volatile Manager.State _state


private PtolemyThread _thread


private java.util.Map<java.lang.Throwable,java.lang.Object> _throwableToExecutionIdentifier


private boolean _typesResolved
Constructor Detail


public Manager()
Construct a manager in the default workspace with an empty string as its name. The manager is added to the list of objects in the workspace. Increment the version number of the workspace.


public Manager(java.lang.String name)
        throws IllegalActionException
Construct a manager in the default workspace with the given name. If the name argument is null, then the name is set to the empty string. The manager is added to the list of objects in the workspace. Increment the version number of the workspace.

name - Name of this Manager.
IllegalActionException - If the name has a period.


public Manager(Workspace workspace,
               java.lang.String name)
        throws IllegalActionException
Construct a manager in the given workspace with the given name. If the workspace argument is null, use the default workspace. The manager is added to the list of objects in the workspace. If the name argument is null, then the name is set to the empty string. Increment the version number of the workspace.

workspace - Object for synchronization and version tracking.
name - Name of this Manager.
IllegalActionException - If the name has a period.
Method Detail


public void addAnalysis(java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.Object analysis)
Add a static analysis to this manager. A static analysis is simply an object that is recorded in a hash table and cleared at the end of preinitialize(), with no semantics associated with that object. The intent is for that object to serve as a repository for static analysis results, but clearing it and the end of preinitialize isn't quite right. The idea is that it is cleared at a point when the analysis has to be redone after that point. But doing this at the end of preinitialize means this won't work with models that mutate either during preinitialize() (as in higher- order actors) or during execution.

name - The name of the analysis.
analysis - The analysis to record.
See Also:


public void addExecutionListener(ExecutionListener listener)
Add a listener to be notified when the model execution changes state.

listener - The listener.
See Also:


public void enablePrintTimeAndMemory(boolean enabled)
Enable or disable printing time and memory usage at the end of model execution.

enabled - Whether time and memory printing is enabled.


public void execute()
             throws KernelException,
Execute the model. Begin with the initialization phase, followed by a sequence of iterations, followed by a wrapup phase. The sequence of iterations concludes when the postfire() method of the container (the top-level composite actor) returns false, or when the finish() method is called.

The execution is performed in the calling thread (the current thread), so this method returns only after execution finishes. If you wish to perform execution in a new thread, use startRun() instead. Even if an exception occurs during the execution, the wrapup() method is called (in a finally clause).

If an exception occurs during the execution, delegate to the exception handlers (if there are any) to handle these exceptions. If there are no exception handlers, it is up to the caller to handle (e.g. report) the exception. If you do not wish to handle exceptions, but want to execute within the calling thread, use run().

KernelException - If the model throws it.
IllegalActionException - If the model is already running, or if there is no container.
See Also:


public void exitAfterWrapup()
Cause the system to exit after wrapup(). If the ptolemy.ptII.exitAfterWrapup property is not set, then when wrapup() is almost finished, we call System.exit(). If the ptolemy.ptII.exitAfterWrapup property is set, then we throw an Exception.


public void finish()
If the state is not IDLE, set a flag to request that execution stop and exit in a completely deterministic fashion at the end of the next toplevel iteration. This method may be called from within an actor to stop the execution of the model. This will result in stop() being called on the top level CompositeActor, although not necessarily immediately. Note that this method is allowed to be called if the model is paused and actors that implement the stop() method must properly respond to that method even if the model is paused.

See Also:


public java.lang.Object getAnalysis(java.lang.String name)
Get the analysis with the given name, or return null if no such analysis exists.

name - The name of the analysis.
the analysis with the given name, or null.
See Also:
addAnalysis(String, Object)


public NamedObj getContainer()
Return the top-level composite actor for which this manager controls execution.

Specified by:
getContainer in interface Nameable
getContainer in class NamedObj
The composite actor that this manager is responsible for.


public int getIterationCount()
Return the iteration count, which is the number of iterations that have been started (but not necessarily completed).

The number of iterations started.


public Manager.State getState()
Return the current state of execution of the manager.

The state of execution.


public java.lang.Object getExecutionIdentifier(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Get the execution identifier object for a throwable.

An execution identifier is an object given to the Manager via setExecutionIdentifier(), and cleared during preinitialize(). If the Manager notifies a listener of a model error, getExecutionIdentifier() can be used to map that error back to the executionIdentifier object.

throwable - The throwable.
The execution identifier object if one was set, otherwise null.
See Also:


public void initialize()
                throws KernelException,
Initialize the model. This calls the preinitialize() method of the container, followed by the resolveTypes() and initialize() methods. Set the Manager's state to PREINITIALIZING and INITIALIZING as appropriate. This method is read synchronized on the workspace.

KernelException - If the model throws it.
IllegalActionException - If the model is already running, or if there is no container.


public void invalidateResolvedTypes()
Indicate that resolved types in the system may no longer be valid. This will force type resolution to be redone on the next iteration.


public boolean isExitingAfterWrapup()
Return true if exitAfterWrapup() was called.

true if exitAfterWrapup was called.


public boolean iterate()
                throws KernelException
Invoke one iteration of the model. An iteration consists of first performing changes queued with requestChange() and type resolution, if necessary, and then invoking prefire(), fire(), and postfire(), in that order. If prefire() returns false, then fire() and postfire() are not invoked, and true is returned. Otherwise, fire() will be called once, followed by postfire(). The return value of postfire() is returned. Note that this method ignores finish and pause requests and thus determines a minimum granularity of the execution. Set the state of the manager to ITERATING. This method is read synchronized on the workspace.

True if postfire() returns true.
KernelException - If the model throws it, or if there is no container.


public void notifyListenersOfException(java.lang.Exception exception)
Notify all the execution listeners of an exception. If there are no listeners, then print the exception information to the standard error stream. This is intended to be used by threads that are involved in an execution as a mechanism for reporting errors. As an example, in a threaded domain, each thread should catch all exceptions and report them using this method. This method is merely calls notifyListenersOfThrowable(Throwable).

exception - The exception.


public void notifyListenersOfThrowable(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Notify all the execution listeners of a Throwable. If there are no listeners, then print the throwable information to the standard error stream. This is intended to be used by threads that are involved in an execution as a mechanism for reporting errors. As an example, in a threaded domain, each thread should catch all exceptions and report them using this method. This method defers the actual reporting to a new thread because it requires obtaining a lock on this manager, and that could cause deadlock.

throwable - The throwable


public void pause()
Set a flag requesting that execution pause at the next opportunity (between iterations). This method calls stopFire() on the toplevel composite actor to ensure that the manager's execution thread becomes active again. Actors are expected to react to stopFire() by returning as soon as possible from their fire() methods, thus completing an iteration. For example, in the case of PN, an iteration only ends if deadlock occurs, which may never happen. Calling stopFire() truncates the iteration. The thread controlling the execution (the one that calls execute()) will be suspended the next time through the iteration loop. To resume execution, call resume().

See Also:


public void pauseOnBreakpoint(java.lang.String breakpointMessage)
The thread that calls this method will wait until resume() has been called.

Note: This method will block. It should only be called from the executing thread (the thread that is executing the model). Do not call this method from the same thread that will call resume().

breakpointMessage - The message to print when paused on a breakpoint.


public void preinitializeAndResolveTypes()
                                  throws KernelException
Preinitialize the model. This calls the preinitialize() method of the container, followed by the resolveTypes() methods. Set the Manager's state to PREINITIALIZING. Note that this method may be invoked without actually running the method, but the calling code must make sure that the Manager's state is reset to IDLE. This method is read synchronized on the workspace.

KernelException - If the model throws it.
IllegalActionException - If the model is already running, or if there is no container.


public void preinitializeIfNecessary()
                              throws KernelException
If the workspace version has changed since the last invocation of preinitializeAndResolveTypes(), then invoke it now and set the state of the Manager to IDLE upon completion. This can be used during editing a model to check types, to expand higher-order components, or to establish connections between Publisher and Subscriber actors.

KernelException - If thrown wil preinitializing and resolving types.


public void removeExecutionListener(ExecutionListener listener)
Remove a listener from the list of listeners that are notified of execution events. If the specified listener is not on the list, do nothing.

listener - The listener to remove.
See Also:


public void requestInitialization(Actor actor)
Queue an initialization request. The specified actor will be initialized at an appropriate time, in the iterate() method, by calling its preinitialize() and initialize() methods. This method should be called when an actor is added to a model through a mutation in order to properly initialize the actor.

actor - The actor to initialize.


public void resolveTypes()
                  throws TypeConflictException
Check types on all the connections and resolve undeclared types. If the container is not an instance of TypedCompositeActor, do nothing. Set the Manager's state to RESOLVING_TYPES. This method is write-synchronized on the workspace.

TypeConflictException - If a type conflict is detected.


public void resume()
If the model is paused, resume execution. This method must be called from a different thread than that controlling the execution, since the thread controlling the execution is suspended.


public void run()
Execute the model, catching all exceptions. Use this method to execute the model within the calling thread, but to not throw exceptions. Instead, the exception is handled using the notifyListenersOfException() method. Except for its exception handling, this method has exactly the same behavior as execute().

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public void setExecutionIdentifier(java.lang.Object executionIdentifier)
Set the execution identifier object. Any throwables that occur in current execution cycle are associated with this identifier. The execution identifier is reset in preinitialize().

executionIdentifier - The execution identifier object
See Also:


public static java.lang.String shortDescription(java.lang.Throwable throwable)
Deprecated. Instead ptolemy.util.MessageHandler.shortDescription()

Return a short description of the throwable.

throwable - The throwable
If the throwable is an Exception, return "Exception", if it is an Error, return "Error", if it is a Throwable, return "Throwable".


public void startRun()
              throws IllegalActionException
Start an execution in another thread and return. Any exceptions that occur during the execution of the model are handled by the notifyListenersOfException() method.

IllegalActionException - If the model is already running, e.g. the state is not IDLE.


public void stop()
If the state is not IDLE, set a flag to request that execution stop and exit in a completely deterministic fashion at the end of the next toplevel iteration. This method may be called from within an actor to stop the execution of the model. This will result in stop() being called on the top level CompositeActor, although not necessarily immediately. This is basically an alias for finish().


public void terminate()

Terminate the currently executing model with extreme prejudice. This leaves the state of the manager in CORRUPTED, which means that the model cannot be executed again. A new model must be created, with a new manager, to execute again. This method is not intended to be used as a normal route of stopping execution. To normally stop execution, call the finish() method instead. This method should be called only when execution fails to terminate by normal means due to certain kinds of programming errors (infinite loops, threading errors, etc.).

If the model execution was started in a separate thread (using startRun()), then that thread is killed unceremoniously (using a method that is now deprecated in Java, for obvious reasons). This method also calls terminate on the toplevel composite actor.

This method is not synchronized because we want it to execute as soon as possible.


public static java.lang.String timeAndMemory(long startTime)
Return a string with the elapsed time since startTime, and the amount of memory used.

startTime - The start time in milliseconds. For example, the value returned by (new Date()).getTime().
A string with the elapsed time since startTime, and the amount of memory used.


public static java.lang.String timeAndMemory(long startTime,
                                             long totalMemory,
                                             long freeMemory)
Return a string with the elapsed time since startTime, and the amount of memory used. the value returned by (new Date()).getTime().

startTime - The start time in milliseconds. For example, the value returned by (new Date()).getTime().
totalMemory - The total amount of memory used in kilobytes.
freeMemory - The total amount of memory free in kilobytes.
A string with the elapsed time since startTime, and the amount of memory used.


public void waitForCompletion()
If there is an active thread created by startRun(), then wait for it to complete and return. The wait is accomplished by calling the join() method on the thread. If there is no active thread, then wait until the manager state is idle by calling wait().

See Also:


public void wrapup()
            throws KernelException,
Wrap up the model by invoking the wrapup method of the toplevel composite actor. The state of the manager will be set to WRAPPING_UP.

KernelException - If the model throws it.
IllegalActionException - If the model is idle or already wrapping up, or if there is no container.


protected void _makeManagerOf(CompositeActor compositeActor)
Make this manager the manager of the specified composite actor. If the composite actor is not null, then the manager is removed from the directory of the workspace. If the composite actor is null, then the manager is not returned to the directory of the workspace, which may result in it being garbage collected. This method should not be called directly. Instead, call setManager in the CompositeActor class (or a derived class).

compositeActor - The composite actor that this manager will manage.


protected void _notifyListenersOfCompletion()
Deprecated. Incomplete name, use _notifyListenersOfSuccessfulCompletion()

Notify listeners that execution has completed.


protected void _notifyListenersOfSuccessfulCompletion()
Notify listeners that execution has completed successfully.


protected void _notifyListenersOfStateChange()
Propagate the state change event to all the execution listeners.


protected void _setState(Manager.State newState)
Set the state of execution and notify listeners if the state actually changes.

newState - The new state.


private void _inferWidths()
                   throws IllegalActionException
Infer the width of the relations for which no width has been specified yet. This method will set the state to INFERING_WIDTHS and change it back afterwards.

IllegalActionException - If the widths of the relations at port are not consistent or if the width cannot be inferred for a relation.