
Classes for the graph transformation actor.


Interface Summary
Checkable Interface of NamedObjs that correspond to criteria.
GTAttribute Interface of the attributes used in the patterns or replacements of transformation rules.
GTCompositeActor Interface of the composite actors used in transformation rules.
GTEntity Common interface of the matchers in model transformations.
MatchCallback An interface of callback routines to be invoked during the matching.
TransformationListener A listener interface for changes caused in a model transformation.
ValueIterator An interface for parameters whose accepted values can be iterated from the initial value with the next method.

Class Summary
AtomicActorMatcher A matcher to match any AtomicActor or CompositeActor that is considered as a blackbox.
AttributeMatcher A matcher to match any attribute.
CompositeActorMatcher A matcher to match a level of hierarchy in a hierarchical model.
Constraint Constraint used to restrict pattern matching in model transformations.
ContainerIgnoringAttribute An attribute to specify that all composite actors within its container should be considered as transparent, except the ones with directors.
CreationAttribute An attribute to identify an object in the pattern to be created.
DefaultDirectoryAttribute An attribute to locate the default directory containing models to be transformed.
DefaultModelAttribute An attribute to locate the default model to be transformed.
FSMMatcher A matcher to match any FSM actor.
GraphAnalyzer Superclass of classes that need to analyze the graph structures of models.
GraphAnalyzer.IndexedList A pair of a list and an index number.
GraphAnalyzer.IndexedLists A list of IndexedLists.
GraphAnalyzer.Path A path between two ports.
GraphMatcher Implementation of a recursive algorithm to match a pattern to any subgraph of a a graph.
GraphMatcher.LookbackEntry An entry for a lookback item.
GraphMatcher.LookbackList A list of lookback entries.
GraphMatcher.NameComparator A comparator to sort objects in a container by their types and names.
GraphMatcher.ObjectList A list of Java objects.
GraphTransformer Model transformation with a given match of the pattern.
GraphTransformer.ReplacementObjectAttribute A temporary attribute to record the corresponding object in the replacement for any object in the pattern.
GTEntityUtils A set of utilities for handling GTEntities (instances of GTEntity).
GTEntityUtils.LoadActorIconChangeRequest A change request to copy the icon of a newly created entity within a container to a given GTEntity.
GTEntityUtils.RestoreAppearanceChangeRequest A change request to restore the default icon of an entity.
GTIngredient Superclass of criteria and operations that can be associated with entities in a transformation rule.
GTIngredient.FieldIterator An iterator to read the fields one by one in a string that describes the values of all the elements.
GTIngredientElement Superclass of any element that can be contained in a GTIngredient.
GTIngredientList A list of GTIngredients.
GTIngredientsAttribute An attribute that contains a list of GTIngredients and is associated with an entity in a transformation rule.
GTParameter Superclass of the special parameters used in transformation rules.
GTParameter.Evaluator The evaluator used in a transformation rule.
GTParameter.Scope A scope to be used in GTParameter.Evaluator to resolve names with a pattern and a match result.
GTParameter.TypeInference The type inference used to infer types of names in the host model and in the pattern, which is used in GTParameter.Evaluator.
GTTools A set of tools for model transformation.
HierarchyFlatteningAttribute An attribute to specify that all composite actors within its container and the composite actors within them should be considered as transparent, except the ones with directors.
IgnoringAttribute An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be ignored.
IterativeParameter A special parameter in the pattern that can take various values in pattern.
LocationType A type of tokens for x-y locations.
MatchingAttribute Common superclass of special attributes in pattern matching.
ModalModelMatcher An entity to be used to match a modal model or Ptera modal model.
ModelCombine An actor to combine the input model tokens into one.
ModelExecutor An actor to execute the input model.
ModelGenerator An actor to open a window to display the specified model and applie its inputs to the model.
ModelView An actor to open a window to display the input models.
MoMLGenerator An actor to generate MoML strings from the input models.
NamedObjVariable A variable to encapsulate the NamedObj that contains itself.
NegationAttribute An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be negated.
OptionAttribute An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be optional.
Pattern The pattern of a transformation rule.
PatternObjectAttribute An attribute to record the name of the object in the pattern that corresponds to the container of the attribute in the replacement.
PortMatcher A matcher to match a port.
PreservationAttribute An attribute to tag an object in the pattern to be preserved.
RelationCollapsingAttribute An attribute to specify that multiple connected relations in the model may be considered as one in pattern matching.
RelationHidingAttribute An attribute to specify that multiple connected relations in the resulting model may be simplified as one.
Replacement The replacement of a transformation rule.
StateMatcher A matcher to match a state in an FSM controller or an event in a Ptera controller.
TransformationMode A parameter that determines the transformation mode.
TransformationMode.WorkingCopyScopeExtender A scope extender to resolve names in the scope of the master transformation rule even though the expression is specified in a working copy.
TransformationRule A transformation rule that contains a pattern and a replacement.
TransformationRule.TransformationDirector A director to be associated with this actor, which does nothing.
TransitionMatcher A matcher to match any transition in an FSM controller or scheduling relation in a Ptera controller.

Enum Summary
IterativeParameter.Mode The modes of this parameter.
TransformationMode.Mode The enumeration of accepted modes.

Exception Summary
GraphTransformationException Superclass of any exception to be thrown in model transformation.
MalformedStringException An exception to report a string being malformed.
TransformationException An exception to be thrown in model transformation.
ValidationException An exception to be thrown when the string representation of GT ingredients cannot be validated.

Package Description

Classes for the graph transformation actor.

Ptolemy II 6.1