
The package.


Class Summary
ArrayPlotter A plotter that plots a sequence of arrays of doubles.
ArrayPlotterXY A plotter that plots a sequence of pairs of arrays of doubles as an XY plot.
ArrowKeyProbe Detect when the user presses or releases an arrow key and produce an integer on the corresponding output.
ArrowKeySensor Detect when the user presses or releases an arrow key and produce an integer on the corresponding output.
BarGraph A bar graph plotter.
Display Display the values of the tokens arriving on the input channels in a text area on the screen.
Display.DisplayWindowTableau Version of TextEditorTableau that creates DisplayWindow.
HistogramPlotter A histogram plotter.
InteractiveShell This actor creates a command shell on the screen, sending commands that are typed by the user to its output port, and reporting strings received at its input by displaying them.
MatrixViewer An actor that displays the contents of a matrix input.
Plotter Base class for plotters.
PlotterBase Base class for plotters.
RealTimePlotter This plotter plots input data as a function of elapsed real time in seconds.
SequencePlotter A sequence plotter.
SequenceScope A sequence plotter for sequences that are potentially infinitely long.
SketchedSource This actor is a plotter that also produces as its output a signal that has been sketched by the user on the screen.
SliderSource The output of this actor is controlled by a slider in the run window.
SliderSource.SliderFrame The frame for the slider.
TimedPlotter A signal plotter.
TimedScope A signal plotter that plots in an oscilloscope style, meaning that the horizontal axis is wrapped and that there is finite persistence.
XYPlotter An XY plotter.
XYScope An X-Y plotter that plots with finite persistence.

Package Description

The package.

Ptolemy II 0.2