
Actors that manipulate images.


Class Summary
ImageDisplay Display an image on the screen using the class.
ImageReader This actor reads an Image from a FileParameter, and outputs it as an AWTImageToken.
ImageRotate This actor reads an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image from the input, rotates it a certain number of degrees and writes the resulting image to the output port as an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image.
ImageTableau A tableau representing an image displayed in a top-level window.
ImageTableau.Factory A factory that creates a token tableau.
ImageToString This actor reads an ObjectToken that is a java.awt.Image from the input and writes information about the image to the output as a StringToken.
Transform Transform an image by either rotating or scaling it.
URLToImage An actor that reads a String input token naming a URL and outputs an Object Token that contains a java.awt.Image It is possible to load a file from the local file system by using the prefix "file://" instead of "http://".

Package Description

Actors that manipulate images.

Ptolemy II 3.0