
These actors use the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) package, which can be downloaded from You need not install JAI if you are not planning on using the JAI Actors.


Class Summary
AdaptiveMedian This actor performs adaptive median filtering on an image.
DoubleMatrixToJAI Converts a DoubleMatrix to a JAIImageToken.
ImageToJAI This actor takes any ImageToken and converts it into a JAIImageToken.
JAIAffineTransform Compute an affine transformation on an image.
JAIBandCombine Linearly combines input bands into an output image.
JAIBandSelect Copy bands of an image to another image.
JAIBMPWriter Write a to a specified BMP file.
JAIBorder Adds a border to an image.
JAIBoxFilter Convolve an image with a box filter.
JAIConstant Produce an image with a uniform color.
JAIConvolve An actor that convolves an image with a given filter.
JAICrop Crop an image, given a point of origin, and the dimensions to crop.
JAIDataConvert An actor that converts the data in an image to a new type.
JAIDCT Calculate the discrete cosine transform of an image.
JAIDFT Calculate the discrete Fourier transform of an image.
JAIEdgeDetection An actor that does edge detection on a image.
JAIIDCT Calculate the inverse discrete cosine transform of an image.
JAIIDFT Calculate the inverse discrete Fourier transform of an image.
JAIImageReader This actor reads an image from a file or a URL.
JAIImageToken A token that contains a
JAIInvert Invert a RenderedOp using the class.
JAIJPEGWriter Write a to a specified JPEG file.
JAILog Output the logarithm of an image.
JAIMagnitude Output the magnitude of a complex image.
JAIMedianFilter An actor that median filter an image.
JAIPeriodicShift An actor that computes the periodic translation of an image.
JAIPhase Output the phase of a complex image.
JAIPNGWriter Write a to a specified PNG file.
JAIPNMWriter Write a to a specified PNM file.
JAIPolarToComplex Output a complex image with alternating real and imaginary bands.
JAIRotate Rotate an image around a given point.
JAIScale Scale a RenderedOp using the class.
JAITIFFWriter Write a to a specified TIFF file.
JAIToDoubleMatrix This actor takes a single banded image and outputs a DoubleMatrixToken containing the data.
JAITranslate Moves the origin of an image.
JAITranspose Transpose a RenderedOp.
JAIWriter An abstract class that provides support for writing JAIImages Write a to a specified JPEG file.
SaltAndPepper Randomly change values in a double matrix to 0.0 or 255.0.

Package Description

These actors use the Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) package, which can be downloaded from

You need not install JAI if you are not planning on using the JAI Actors.

For details about the JAI actors and Ptolemy, see:
James Yeh, " Image and Video Processing Libraries in Ptolemy II," Master's Report, Technical Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M03/52, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720, USA, December 16, 2003.

Ptolemy II 3.0