
Actors that use the Java Native Interface (jni) to embed C code in an actor.


Class Summary
CodegenActor A composite actor that can be optionally code generated and then invoked via the Java Native Interface (JNI).
CompiledCompositeActor A composite actor that can be optionally code generated and then invoked via the Java Native Interface (JNI).
EmbeddedCActor An actor of this class executes compiled embedded C Code.
EmbeddedCActor.EmbeddedActor An actor inside the EmbeddedCActor that is used as a dummy placeholder.
EmbeddedCFileActor The embeddedCFileActor executes compiled embedded C Code.
EmbeddedCFileActor.EmbeddedFileActor An actor inside the EmbeddedCFileActor that is used as a dummy placeholder.
PointerToken A token that contains the memory location of a C object.
PointerToken.PointerType The pointer type.

Package Description

Actors that use the Java Native Interface (jni) to embed C code in an actor.

Ptolemy II 6.1