
The package.


Class Summary
CipherActor A base class for actors that encrypt and decrypt data.
CryptographyActor A base class for cryptographic actors.
KeyReader Read in a keystore from a FileParameter and output a Key.
KeyStoreActor A baseclass for actors that read or write keystores.
KeyToken Tokens that contain
KeyToken.KeyType The cryptographic key type.
KeyWriter Read in a Key from the input port and write it out to a KeyStore.
PrivateKeyReader Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a PrivateKey.
PublicKeyReader Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a PublicKey.
SecretKey Create a secret key and send it on the output.
SecretKeyReader Open a keystore from a FileParameter and output a SecretKey.
SignatureActor A common base class for actors that use cryptographic signatures.
SignatureSigner Sign the input data using a private key.
SignatureVerifier Verify the signature of the input data.
SymmetricDecryption Decrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric algorithm.
SymmetricEncryption Encrypt an unsigned byte array using a symmetric algorithm.

Package Description

The package.

Ptolemy II 0.2