Class MapFileStorage

  extended by ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
      extended by ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
          extended by ptolemy.kernel.Entity
              extended by ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
                  extended by
                      extended by
                          extended by
                              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Actor, Executable, FiringsRecordable, Initializable, SequenceActor, TimedActor, TypedActor, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, Instantiable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

public class MapFileStorage
extends DEActor

A DE actor that stores data from a MapWorker and distributes it to a ReduceWorker, upon request from the reduce worker.

Ptolemy II 6.1
$Id: 57040 2010-01-27 20:52:32Z cxh $
Adam Cataldo
See Also:
Serialized Form
Accepted Rating:
Red (cxh)
Proposed Rating:
Red (cxh)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Field Summary
private  boolean _doneReceiving
private  java.util.List<java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.String>> _keyBuffers
private  boolean _readMode
private  java.util.List<java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.String>> _valueBuffers
 TypedIOPort doneEmitting
          The inputTrigger port.
 TypedIOPort doneReceiving
          The inputTrigger port.
 TypedIOPort inputKey
          The inputTrigger port.
 TypedIOPort inputValue
          The inputTrigger port.
 Parameter numberOfOutputs
          The number of output actors to write to.
 TypedIOPort outputKey
          The output port.
 TypedIOPort outputValue
          The output port.
Fields inherited from class
_actorFiringListeners, _initializables, _notifyingActorFiring, _stopRequested
Fields inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_changeListeners, _changeLock, _changeRequests, _debugging, _debugListeners, _elementName, _isPersistent, _verbose, _workspace, ATTRIBUTES, CLASSNAME, COMPLETE, CONTENTS, DEEP, FULLNAME, LINKS
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
MapFileStorage(CompositeEntity container, java.lang.String name)
          Construct an actor with the given container and name.
Method Summary
 void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
          If the specified attribute is fileOrURLPrefix and there is an open file being read, then close that file and open the new one; if the attribute is numberOfLinesToSkip and its value is negative, then throw an exception.
 java.lang.Object clone(Workspace workspace)
          Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
 void fire()
          Output the data read in the preinitialize() or in the previous invocation of postfire(), if there is any.
 void initialize()
          If this is called after prefire() has been called but before wrapup() has been called, then close any open file re-open it, skip the number of lines given by the numberOfLinesToSkip parameter, and read the first line to be produced in the next invocation of prefire().
 boolean postfire()
          Return true, unless stop() has been called, in which case, return false.
 boolean prefire()
          Return false if there is no more data available in the file.
 void wrapup()
          Close the reader if there is one.
Methods inherited from class
_addPort, _fireAt, _fireAt, attributeTypeChanged, clone, newPort, typeConstraintList, typeConstraints
Methods inherited from class
_actorFiring, _actorFiring, addActorFiringListener, addInitializable, connectionsChanged, createReceivers, declareDelayDependency, getCausalityInterface, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, inputPortList, isFireFunctional, isStrict, iterate, newReceiver, outputPortList, preinitialize, pruneDependencies, recordFiring, removeActorFiringListener, removeDependency, removeInitializable, setContainer, stop, stopFire, terminate
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
_adjustDeferrals, _checkContainer, _getContainedObject, _propagateExistence, getContainer, instantiate, isAtomic, isOpaque, moveDown, moveToFirst, moveToIndex, moveToLast, moveUp, propagateExistence, setName
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
_description, _exportMoMLContents, _removePort, _validateSettables, connectedPortList, connectedPorts, containedObjectsIterator, getAttribute, getPort, getPorts, linkedRelationList, linkedRelations, portList, removeAllPorts, setClassDefinition, uniqueName
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
_setParent, exportMoML, getChildren, getElementName, getParent, getPrototypeList, isClassDefinition, isWithinClassDefinition
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_addAttribute, _adjustOverride, _attachText, _cloneFixAttributeFields, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _getIndentPrefix, _isMoMLSuppressed, _markContentsDerived, _propagateValue, _recordDecoratedAttributes, _removeAttribute, _splitName, _stripNumericSuffix, addChangeListener, addDebugListener, attributeList, attributeList, deepContains, depthInHierarchy, description, description, event, executeChangeRequests, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoMLPlain, getAttribute, getAttributes, getChangeListeners, getClassName, getDecoratorAttribute, getDecoratorAttributes, getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, getDisplayName, getFullName, getModelErrorHandler, getName, getName, getSource, handleModelError, isDeferringChangeRequests, isOverridden, isPersistent, lazyContainedObjectsIterator, message, propagateValue, propagateValues, removeChangeListener, removeDebugListener, requestChange, setClassName, setDeferringChangeRequests, setDerivedLevel, setDisplayName, setModelErrorHandler, setPersistent, setSource, sortContainedObjects, toplevel, toString, validateSettables, workspace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
createReceivers, getCausalityInterface, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, inputPortList, newReceiver, outputPortList
Methods inherited from interface
isFireFunctional, isStrict, iterate, stop, stopFire, terminate
Methods inherited from interface
addInitializable, preinitialize, removeInitializable
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
description, getContainer, getDisplayName, getFullName, getName, getName, setName
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, propagateValue

Field Detail


public TypedIOPort doneReceiving
The inputTrigger port. The type of this port is undeclared, meaning that it will resolve to any data type.


public TypedIOPort doneEmitting
The inputTrigger port. The type of this port is undeclared, meaning that it will resolve to any data type.


public TypedIOPort inputKey
The inputTrigger port. The type of this port is undeclared, meaning that it will resolve to any data type.


public TypedIOPort inputValue
The inputTrigger port. The type of this port is undeclared, meaning that it will resolve to any data type.


public Parameter numberOfOutputs
The number of output actors to write to. This parameter contains an IntToken, initially with value 1. The value must be greater than zero.


public TypedIOPort outputKey
The output port. The type of this port is unspecified. Derived classes may set it.


public TypedIOPort outputValue
The output port. The type of this port is unspecified. Derived classes may set it.


private boolean _doneReceiving


private java.util.List<java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.String>> _keyBuffers


private boolean _readMode


private java.util.List<java.util.LinkedList<java.lang.String>> _valueBuffers
Constructor Detail


public MapFileStorage(CompositeEntity container,
                      java.lang.String name)
               throws IllegalActionException,
Construct an actor with the given container and name.

container - The container.
name - The name of this actor.
IllegalActionException - If the actor cannot be contained by the proposed container.
NameDuplicationException - If the container already has an actor with this name.
Method Detail


public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
                      throws IllegalActionException
If the specified attribute is fileOrURLPrefix and there is an open file being read, then close that file and open the new one; if the attribute is numberOfLinesToSkip and its value is negative, then throw an exception. In the case of fileOrURLPrefix, do nothing if the file name is the same as the previous value of this attribute.

attributeChanged in class NamedObj
attribute - The attribute that has changed.
IllegalActionException - If the specified attribute is fileOrURLPrefix and the file cannot be opened, or the previously opened file cannot be closed; or if the attribute is numberOfLinesToSkip and its value is negative.


public java.lang.Object clone(Workspace workspace)
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Clone the actor into the specified workspace. This calls the base class and then sets the type constraints.

clone in class AtomicActor
workspace - The workspace for the new object.
A new actor.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - If a derived class has an attribute that cannot be cloned.
See Also:
NamedObj.exportMoML(Writer, int, String), NamedObj.setDeferringChangeRequests(boolean)


public void fire()
          throws IllegalActionException
Output the data read in the preinitialize() or in the previous invocation of postfire(), if there is any.

Specified by:
fire in interface Executable
fire in class AtomicActor
IllegalActionException - If there's no director.


public void initialize()
                throws IllegalActionException
If this is called after prefire() has been called but before wrapup() has been called, then close any open file re-open it, skip the number of lines given by the numberOfLinesToSkip parameter, and read the first line to be produced in the next invocation of prefire(). This occurs if this actor is re-initialized during a run of the model.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Initializable
initialize in class AtomicActor
IllegalActionException - If the file or URL cannot be opened, or if the lines to be skipped and the first line to be sent out in the fire() method cannot be read.


public boolean prefire()
                throws IllegalActionException
Return false if there is no more data available in the file. Otherwise, return whatever the superclass returns.

Specified by:
prefire in interface Executable
prefire in class AtomicActor
True if this actor is ready for firing, false otherwise.
IllegalActionException - If the superclass throws it.


public boolean postfire()
                 throws IllegalActionException
Return true, unless stop() has been called, in which case, return false. Derived classes override this method to define operations to be performed at the end of every iteration of its execution, after one invocation of the prefire() method and any number of invocations of the fire() method. This method typically wraps up an iteration, which may involve updating local state. In derived classes, this method returns false to indicate that this actor should not be fired again.

Specified by:
postfire in interface Executable
postfire in class AtomicActor
True if execution can continue into the next iteration.
IllegalActionException - Not thrown in this base class.


public void wrapup()
            throws IllegalActionException
Close the reader if there is one.

Specified by:
wrapup in interface Initializable
wrapup in class AtomicActor
IllegalActionException - If an IO error occurs.