Class ContinuousDirector

  extended by ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
      extended by ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
          extended by
              extended by
                  extended by
                      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Executable, Initializable, SuperdenseTimeDirector, TimedDirector, ContinuousStatefulComponent, ContinuousStepSizeController, Suspendable, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

public class ContinuousDirector
extends FixedPointDirector
implements TimedDirector, ContinuousStatefulComponent, ContinuousStepSizeController, Suspendable

The continuous time domain is a timed domain that supports continuous-time signals, discrete-event signals, and mixtures of the two. There is a global notion of time that all the actors are aware of. The semantics of this domain is given in the following two papers:

A signal is a set of "events," each of which has a tag and value. The set of values includes a special element, called "absent", denoting the absence of a (normal) value. This director uses superdense time, where every event has a tag that is a member of the set RxN. R is a connected subset of the real numbers (giving "time", and approximated by instances of the Time class), and N is the natural numbers (giving an "index"). At a time t, a signal may have multiple values in sequence with tags (t, 0), (t, 1)... Its "initial value" is the value at tag (t, 0). It typically settles to a "final value" after a finite number of indices. If it fails to settle to a final value, the signal is said to have a "stuttering Zeno" condition, and time will not progress.

In our semantics, all signals are piecewise continuous. This means that the initial value, as a function of time, is continuous on the left, the final value, as a function of time, is continuous on the right, and the signal has exactly one value (meaning the initial value and the final value are the same) at all times except those on a discrete subset D.

A purely continuous signal has exactly one value at all times, meaning that the final value equals the initial value at all times. A purely discrete signal has initial value "absent" and final value "absent" at all times, and at a discrete subset of the times, it may have non-absent values. The only signal that is both purely continuous and purely discrete is the one that is absent at all tags.

A signal may be mostly continuous, but have multiple values at a discrete subset of times. These multiple values semantically represent discontinuities in a continuous signal that is not purely continuous.

The set of times where signals have more than one distinct value is a discrete subset D of the time line. These times are called "breakpoints" and are treated specially in the execution. Between these times, an ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver governs the execution. Initial values are always given by the ODE solver.

The parameters of this director are:

This director maintains a breakpoint table to record all predictable breakpoints that are greater than or equal to the current time. The breakpoints are sorted in chronological order. Breakpoints at the same time are considered to be identical, and the breakpoint table does not contain duplicate time points. A breakpoint can be inserted into the table by calling the fireAt() method. The fireAt method may be requested by the director, which inserts the stop time of the execution. The fireAt method may also be requested by actors and the requested firing time will be inserted into the breakpoint table.

This director is designed to work with any other director that implements the strict actor semantics. As long as the other director does not commit state changes except in postfire(), that director can be used within the model controlled by this director. If, in addition to implementing the strict actor semantics that other director also respects calls to fireAt(), then this director may be used within a model governed by that director.

This director is based on the CTDirector by Jie Liu and Haiyang Zheng, but it has a much simpler scheduler and a fixed-point semantics.

Ptolemy II 6.0
$Id: 59167 2010-09-21 17:08:02Z cxh $
Haiyang Zheng and Edward A. Lee, based on CTDirector by Jie Liu and Haiyang Zheng
See Also:
Serialized Form
Accepted Rating:
Red (hyzheng)
Proposed Rating:
Yellow (hyzheng)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
Field Summary
private  Time _accumulatedSuspendTime
          The accumulated suspend time relative to an eclosing ContinuousDirector, calculated as a side effect of calling _enclosingContinuousDirector().
private  TotallyOrderedSet _breakpoints
          A table for breakpoints.
private  boolean _commitIsPending
          Flag indicating that postfire() did not commit the state at the local current time.
private  double _currentStepSize
          Simulation step sizes.
private  ContinuousDirector _enclosingContinuousDirector
          The enclosing continuous director.
private  long _enclosingContinuousDirectorVersion
          The version for __enclosingContinuousDirector.
private  double _errorTolerance
          The error tolerance for state resolution.
private  boolean _ignoreSetTime
          Flag to temporarily ignore the setModelTime() calls.
private  double _initStepSize
          A cache of the value of initStepSize.
protected  boolean _isInitializing
          A local boolean variable indicating whether this director is in initialization phase execution.
private  boolean _isIntermediateStep
          Flag indicating that the solver is iterating through the first or intermediate steps in a multi-step solver.
private  int _iterationBeginIndex
          The index of the time at which the current integration step began.
protected  Time _iterationBeginTime
          The current time at the start of the current integration step.
private  Time _lastSuspendTime
          The environment time when this refinement was last suspended (that is, the enclosing state was exited).
private  int _maxIterations
          The maximum iterations for implicit ODE solver to resolve states.
private  double _maxStepSize
          The maximum step size used for integration.
private  ContinuousODESolver _ODESolver
          The ODE solver, which is an instance of the class given by the ODESolver parameter.
private  boolean _redoingSolverIteration
          Flag indicating that we are redoing a speculative solver iteration.
private static java.lang.String _solverClasspath
          The package name for the solvers supported by this director.
private  Time _startTime
          The cached value of the startTime parameter.
private  java.util.List _statefulComponents
          The list of stateful actors.
private  long _statefulComponentsVersion
          The version for the list of step size control actors.
private  java.util.List _stepSizeControllers
          The list of step size control actors.
private  long _stepSizeControllersVersion
          The version for the list of step size control actors.
private  Time _stopTime
          The cached value of the stopTime parameter.
protected  long _timeBase
          The real starting time in term of system millisecond counts.
private  boolean _triedTheMinimumStepSize
          The local flag variable indicating whether the we have tried the time resolution as the integration step size.
private  Time _zeroTime
          Time with value 0.0.
 Parameter errorTolerance
          Error tolerance for data values, used with variable step size solvers to determine whether the current step size is accurate.
 Parameter initStepSize
          User's hint for the initial integration step size.
 Parameter maxIterations
          The maximum number of rounds that an ODE solver can use to resolve the states of integrators.
 Parameter maxStepSize
          The maximum step size.
 StringParameter ODESolver
          The class name of the ODE solver used for integration.
 Parameter startTime
          Starting time of the execution.
 Parameter stopTime
          Stop time of the simulation.
Fields inherited from class
_index, _receivers, iterations, synchronizeToRealTime
Fields inherited from class
Fields inherited from class
_actorsFinishedExecution, _currentTime, _finishRequested, _initializables, _stopRequested, timeResolution
Fields inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_changeListeners, _changeLock, _changeRequests, _debugging, _debugListeners, _elementName, _isPersistent, _verbose, _workspace, ATTRIBUTES, CLASSNAME, COMPLETE, CONTENTS, DEEP, FULLNAME, LINKS
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
ContinuousDirector(CompositeEntity container, java.lang.String name)
          Construct a director in the given container with the given name.
Method Summary
private  void _assertAbsentInside()
          Set all receivers on the inside of input ports to absent.
private  boolean _commit()
          Commit the current state by postfiring the actors under the control of this director.
private  ContinuousDirector _enclosingContinuousDirector()
          Return the enclosing continuous director, or null if there is none.
protected  double _getCurrentStepSize()
          Return the current step size.
protected  ContinuousODESolver _getODESolver()
          Return the ODE solver used to resolve states by the director.
private  void _handleBreakpointsBefore(Time time, int index)
          Throw an exception if there are any breakpoints in the breakpoint table before the specified time.
private  void _initializeLocalVariables()
          Initialize the local variables of this ContinuousDirector.
protected  void _initParameters()
          Create and initialize all parameters to their default values.
protected  ContinuousODESolver _instantiateODESolver(java.lang.String className)
          Instantiate an ODESolver from its classname.
protected  boolean _isDebugging()
          Return true if debugging is turned on.
protected  boolean _isIntermediateStep()
          Return true if the solver is at the first or intermediate steps of a multi-step solver.
private  boolean _postfireAtTopLevel()
          Postfire method when this director is at the top level.
private  boolean _postfireWithEnclosingContinuousDirector()
          Postfire method when the enclosing director is an instance of this same class.
private  boolean _postfireWithEnclosingNonContinuousDirector()
          Postfire method when the enclosing director is not an instance of this same class.
private  boolean _prefireAtTopLevel()
          Prefire method when this director is at the top level.
private  boolean _prefireWithEnclosingContinuousDirector()
          Prefire method when the enclosing director is an instance of this same class.
private  boolean _prefireWithEnclosingNonContinuousDirector()
          Prefire method when the enclosing director is not an instance of this same class.
protected  void _reportDebugMessage(java.lang.String message)
          Expose the debug method to the package.
private  void _setCurrentStepSize(double stepSize)
          Set the current step size.
private  java.util.List _statefulComponents()
          Return a list of stateful components, which includes actors deeply contained within the container of this director that implement the ContinuousStatefulComponent interface and directors of opaque composite actors within the container of this director that implement the same interface.
private  java.util.List _stepSizeControllers()
          Return a list of step-size controllers.
private  boolean _transferInputsToInside()
          Transfer inputs from the environment to inside.
private  void _transferOutputsToEnvironment()
          Transfer outputs to the environment.
 Time accumulatedSuspendTime()
          Return the accumulated time that the actor has been suspended since the last call to initialize(), or null if it has never been suspended.
 void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
          React to a change in an attribute.
 java.lang.Object clone(Workspace workspace)
          Clone the object into the specified workspace.
 Dependency delayDependency(double delay)
          Return a boolean dependency representing a model-time delay of the specified amount.
 void fire()
          Perform an integration step.
 Time fireAt(Actor actor, Time time)
          Handle firing requests from the contained actors by registering breakpoints.
 double getCurrentStepSize()
          Return the current integration step size.
 double getErrorTolerance()
          Return the local truncation error tolerance.
 Time getModelNextIterationTime()
          Return the next time of interest in the model being executed by this director or the director of any enclosing model up the hierarchy.
 Time getModelStartTime()
          Return the start time.
 Time getModelStopTime()
          Return the stop time, which is the value of the stopTime parameter, represented as an instance of the Time class.
 void initialize()
          Initialize model after type resolution.
 boolean isStepSizeAccurate()
          Return true if all step size control actors agree that the current step is accurate and if there are no breakpoints in the past.
 boolean postfire()
          If this director is not at the top level and the breakpoint table is not empty, request a refiring at the first breakpoint or at the local current time (iteration start time plus the step size), whichever is less.
 boolean prefire()
          Initialize the fixed-point iteration by setting all receivers to unknown, and return true if we have not passed the stop time.
 void preinitialize()
          Preinitialize the model for an execution.
 double refinedStepSize()
          Return the refined step size, which is the minimum of the current step size and the suggested step size of all actors that implement ContinuousStepSizeController and that also ensures that we do not pass a breakpoint.
 void resume(Time time)
          Resume the actor at the specified time.
 void rollBackToCommittedState()
          Roll back all actors that implement ContinuousStatefulComponent to committed state, and set local model time to the start of the integration period.
 void setModelTime(Time newTime)
          Set a new value to the current time of the model.
 java.lang.String[] suggestedModalModelDirectors()
          Return an array of suggested ModalModel directors to use with ContinuousDirector.
 double suggestedStepSize()
          Return the suggested step size for next integration.
 void suspend(Time time)
          Resume the actor at the specified time.
 boolean transferInputs(IOPort port)
          Override the base class to do nothing.
 boolean transferOutputs(IOPort port)
          Override the base class to do nothing.
Methods inherited from class
_receiverChanged, _resetAllReceivers, _synchronizeToRealTime, getIndex, implementsStrictActorSemantics, isFireFunctional, isStrict, newReceiver, setIndex
Methods inherited from class
_setScheduler, addDebugListener, getScheduler, invalidateSchedule, isScheduleValid, removeDebugListener, setScheduler
Methods inherited from class
_description, _fireContainerAt, _isEmbedded, _isTopLevel, _transferInputs, _transferOutputs, addInitializable, createSchedule, defaultDependency, finish, fireAt, fireAtCurrentTime, getCausalityInterface, getCurrentTime, getGlobalTime, getModelTime, getNextIterationTime, getStartTime, getStopTime, getTimeResolution, initialize, invalidateResolvedTypes, isStopRequested, iterate, preinitialize, removeInitializable, requestInitialization, setContainer, setCurrentTime, stop, stopFire, supportMultirateFiring, terminate, wrapup
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.Attribute
_checkContainer, _getContainedObject, _propagateExistence, getContainer, moveDown, moveToFirst, moveToIndex, moveToLast, moveUp, setName, updateContent
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_addAttribute, _adjustOverride, _attachText, _cloneFixAttributeFields, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _exportMoMLContents, _getIndentPrefix, _isMoMLSuppressed, _markContentsDerived, _propagateValue, _recordDecoratedAttributes, _removeAttribute, _splitName, _stripNumericSuffix, _validateSettables, addChangeListener, attributeList, attributeList, attributeTypeChanged, clone, containedObjectsIterator, deepContains, depthInHierarchy, description, description, event, executeChangeRequests, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoMLPlain, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttributes, getChangeListeners, getClassName, getDecoratorAttribute, getDecoratorAttributes, getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, getDisplayName, getElementName, getFullName, getModelErrorHandler, getName, getName, getPrototypeList, getSource, handleModelError, isDeferringChangeRequests, isOverridden, isPersistent, lazyContainedObjectsIterator, message, propagateExistence, propagateValue, propagateValues, removeChangeListener, requestChange, setClassName, setDeferringChangeRequests, setDerivedLevel, setDisplayName, setModelErrorHandler, setPersistent, setSource, sortContainedObjects, toplevel, toString, uniqueName, validateSettables, workspace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
getModelTime, getTimeResolution
Methods inherited from interface
isFireFunctional, isStrict, iterate, stop, stopFire, terminate
Methods inherited from interface
addInitializable, removeInitializable, wrapup

Field Detail


public Parameter errorTolerance
Error tolerance for data values, used with variable step size solvers to determine whether the current step size is accurate. The default value is 1e-4, and the type is double.


public Parameter initStepSize
User's hint for the initial integration step size. The default value is 0.1, and the type is double.


public Parameter maxIterations
The maximum number of rounds that an ODE solver can use to resolve the states of integrators. Many solvers, such as RK 2-3 and RK 4-5, use a fixed number of rounds (3 and 6, respectively). Implicit ODE solvers use however many rounds it takes to converge to a solution within a specified accuracy (given by errorTolerance). An example of an implicit solver is the BackwardsEuler solver. This parameter limits the number of rounds. The default value is 20, and the type is int.


public Parameter maxStepSize
The maximum step size. The default value is 1.0, and the type is double.


public StringParameter ODESolver
The class name of the ODE solver used for integration. This is a string that defaults to "ExplicitRK23Solver". Solvers are all required to be in package "". If a solver is changed during execution, the change does not take effect until the next execution of the model. If there is another ContinuousDirector above this one in the hierarchy, separated possibly by MultiComposite, then the value of this parameter is ignored and the solver given by the other ContinuousDirector will be used.


public Parameter startTime
Starting time of the execution. The default value is 0.0, and the type is double. This parameter has no effect if this director is used inside an enclosing ContinuousDirector and after the simulation starts.


public Parameter stopTime
Stop time of the simulation. The default value is Infinity, and the type is double. This parameter has no effect after the simulation starts.


protected boolean _isInitializing
A local boolean variable indicating whether this director is in initialization phase execution.


protected Time _iterationBeginTime
The current time at the start of the current integration step.


protected long _timeBase
The real starting time in term of system millisecond counts.


private Time _accumulatedSuspendTime
The accumulated suspend time relative to an eclosing ContinuousDirector, calculated as a side effect of calling _enclosingContinuousDirector().


private TotallyOrderedSet _breakpoints
A table for breakpoints.


private boolean _commitIsPending
Flag indicating that postfire() did not commit the state at the local current time.


private double _currentStepSize
Simulation step sizes.


private ContinuousDirector _enclosingContinuousDirector
The enclosing continuous director.


private long _enclosingContinuousDirectorVersion
The version for __enclosingContinuousDirector.


private double _errorTolerance
The error tolerance for state resolution.


private boolean _ignoreSetTime
Flag to temporarily ignore the setModelTime() calls.


private double _initStepSize
A cache of the value of initStepSize.


private boolean _isIntermediateStep
Flag indicating that the solver is iterating through the first or intermediate steps in a multi-step solver.


private int _iterationBeginIndex
The index of the time at which the current integration step began.


private Time _lastSuspendTime
The environment time when this refinement was last suspended (that is, the enclosing state was exited). This is null if the actor has not been suspended since initialize() or resume() has been called more recently than suspend().


private int _maxIterations
The maximum iterations for implicit ODE solver to resolve states.


private double _maxStepSize
The maximum step size used for integration.


private ContinuousODESolver _ODESolver
The ODE solver, which is an instance of the class given by the ODESolver parameter.


private boolean _redoingSolverIteration
Flag indicating that we are redoing a speculative solver iteration.


private static java.lang.String _solverClasspath
The package name for the solvers supported by this director.


private Time _startTime
The cached value of the startTime parameter.


private java.util.List _statefulComponents
The list of stateful actors.


private long _statefulComponentsVersion
The version for the list of step size control actors.


private java.util.List _stepSizeControllers
The list of step size control actors.


private long _stepSizeControllersVersion
The version for the list of step size control actors.


private Time _stopTime
The cached value of the stopTime parameter.


private boolean _triedTheMinimumStepSize
The local flag variable indicating whether the we have tried the time resolution as the integration step size.


private Time _zeroTime
Time with value 0.0.

Constructor Detail


public ContinuousDirector(CompositeEntity container,
                          java.lang.String name)
                   throws IllegalActionException,
Construct a director in the given container with the given name. The container argument must not be null, or a NullPointerException will be thrown. If the name argument is null, then the name is set to the empty string. All the parameters take their default values.

container - The container.
name - Name of this director.
IllegalActionException - If the director is not compatible with the specified container. May be thrown by a derived class.
NameDuplicationException - If the name collides with a property in the container.
Method Detail


public Time accumulatedSuspendTime()
Return the accumulated time that the actor has been suspended since the last call to initialize(), or null if it has never been suspended.

Specified by:
accumulatedSuspendTime in interface Suspendable
The total time between calls to suspend and subsequent calls to resume, or null if the actor has not been suspended.


public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
                      throws IllegalActionException
React to a change in an attribute. If the changed attribute matches a parameter of the director, then the corresponding local copy of the parameter value will be updated.

attributeChanged in class Director
attribute - The changed parameter.
IllegalActionException - If the new parameter value is not valid.


public java.lang.Object clone(Workspace workspace)
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Clone the object into the specified workspace. The new object is not added to the directory of that workspace (you must do this yourself if you want it there).

clone in class FixedPointDirector
workspace - The workspace for the cloned object.
The new Attribute.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - Not thrown in this base class
See Also:
NamedObj.exportMoML(Writer, int, String), NamedObj.setDeferringChangeRequests(boolean)


public Dependency delayDependency(double delay)
Return a boolean dependency representing a model-time delay of the specified amount.

Specified by:
delayDependency in interface TimedDirector
delay - A non-negative delay.
A boolean dependency representing a delay.


public void fire()
          throws IllegalActionException
Perform an integration step. This invokes prefire() and fire() of actors (possibly repeatedly) and advances the local view of time by one step. This normally involves three nested iterative procedures. The outer procedure invokes the possibly multiple steps of the solver (if it is a multistep solver), unless the step size is zero. The middle one iterates until a suitable step size is found. The inner one, implemented by the superclass, iterates until a fixed point is found at each time point.

If there is an enclosing ContinuousDirector, however, then this method simply performs the current round of execution of the enclosing director, using the step size of the enclosing director.

Specified by:
fire in interface Executable
fire in class FixedPointDirector
IllegalActionException - If an actor throws it.


public Time fireAt(Actor actor,
                   Time time)
            throws IllegalActionException
Handle firing requests from the contained actors by registering breakpoints. If the specified time is earlier than the current time, then request a firing at the current time. Otherwise, insert the specified time into the breakpoint table. If the specified time is earlier than or equal to the current time, then for the breakpoint table entry, use an index one larger than the current index, unless this director is currently in initialize(), in which case use the current index.

fireAt in class Director
actor - The actor that requests the firing.
time - The requested firing time.
The time at which the actor passed as an argument will be fired.
IllegalActionException - If the time is earlier than the current time.
See Also:


public final double getCurrentStepSize()
Return the current integration step size.

The current integration step size.


public final double getErrorTolerance()
Return the local truncation error tolerance.

getErrorTolerance in class Director
The local truncation error tolerance.


public Time getModelNextIterationTime()
Return the next time of interest in the model being executed by this director or the director of any enclosing model up the hierarchy. If this director is at the top level, then this default implementation simply returns infinity, indicating that this director has no interest in any future time. If this director is not at the top level, then return whatever the enclosing director returns.

This method is useful for domains that perform speculative execution (such as Continuous itself). Such a domain in a hierarchical model (i.e. CT inside DE) uses this method to determine how far into the future to execute. This is simply an optimization that reduces the likelihood of having to roll back.

The base class implementation in Director is almost right, but not quite, because at the top level it returns current time. However, this director should not constrain any director below it from speculatively executing into the future. Instead, it assumes that any director below it implements a strict actor semantics. Note in particular that the implementation below would block time advancement in a Continuous in DE in Continuous model because the top-level model will usually only invoke the DE model during a zero-step execution, which means that the returned next iteration time will always be current time, which will force the inside Continuous director to have a zero step size always.

getModelNextIterationTime in class Director
The next time of interest.
See Also:


public final Time getModelStartTime()
                             throws IllegalActionException
Return the start time. If this director is not at the top level, then this method returns the start time of the executive director. Otherwise, it returns the value given by the startTime parameter. This will be null before preinitialize() is called.

getModelStartTime in class Director
The start time.
IllegalActionException - If the enclosing director throws it.


public final Time getModelStopTime()
Return the stop time, which is the value of the stopTime parameter, represented as an instance of the Time class. This will be null before preinitialize() is called.

getModelStopTime in class Director
The stop time.


public void initialize()
                throws IllegalActionException
Initialize model after type resolution. In addition to calling the initialize() method of the super class, this method records the current system time as the "real" starting time of the execution. This starting time is used when the execution is synchronized to real time.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Initializable
initialize in class FixedPointDirector
IllegalActionException - If the super class throws it.


public boolean isStepSizeAccurate()
Return true if all step size control actors agree that the current step is accurate and if there are no breakpoints in the past.

Specified by:
isStepSizeAccurate in interface ContinuousStepSizeController
True if all step size control actors agree with the current step size.


public boolean postfire()
                 throws IllegalActionException
If this director is not at the top level and the breakpoint table is not empty, request a refiring at the first breakpoint or at the local current time (iteration start time plus the step size), whichever is less. Postfire all controlled actors.

If the synchronizeToRealTime parameter is true, then this method will block execution until the real time catches up with current model time. The units for time are seconds.

Specified by:
postfire in interface Executable
postfire in class FixedPointDirector
True if the Director wants to be fired again in the future.
IllegalActionException - If the current model time exceeds the stop time, or refiring can not be granted, or the super class throws it.


public boolean prefire()
                throws IllegalActionException
Initialize the fixed-point iteration by setting all receivers to unknown, and return true if we have not passed the stop time. Record the current model time as the beginning time of the current iteration, and if there is a pending invocation of postfire() from a previous integration step, invoke that now.

Specified by:
prefire in interface Executable
prefire in class FixedPointDirector
True if this director is ready to fire.
IllegalActionException - If thrown by the super class, or if the model time of the environment is less than our current model time.


public void preinitialize()
                   throws IllegalActionException
Preinitialize the model for an execution. This method is called only once for each simulation.

Specified by:
preinitialize in interface Initializable
preinitialize in class Director
IllegalActionException - If the super class throws it, or local variables cannot be initialized.


public double refinedStepSize()
                       throws IllegalActionException
Return the refined step size, which is the minimum of the current step size and the suggested step size of all actors that implement ContinuousStepSizeController and that also ensures that we do not pass a breakpoint. If these actors request a step size smaller than the time resolution, then the first time this happens this method returns the time resolution. If it happens again on the next call to this method, then this method throws an exception.

Specified by:
refinedStepSize in interface ContinuousStepSizeController
The refined step size.
IllegalActionException - If the scheduler throws it or the refined step size is less than the time resolution.


public void resume(Time time)
            throws IllegalActionException
Resume the actor at the specified time. If the actor has not been suspended since the last call to initialize(), then this has no effect.

Specified by:
resume in interface Suspendable
time - The time at which the actor is resumed.
IllegalActionException - If the fireAt() request throws it.


public void rollBackToCommittedState()
Roll back all actors that implement ContinuousStatefulComponent to committed state, and set local model time to the start of the integration period.

Specified by:
rollBackToCommittedState in interface ContinuousStatefulComponent


public final void setModelTime(Time newTime)
                        throws IllegalActionException
Set a new value to the current time of the model. This overrides the base class to allow time to move backwards (to support rollback) and to discard any breakpoints in the breakpoint table that are in the past relative to the specified time. This overrides the setCurrentTime() in the Director base class. Although this method is public, actors should never call it.

setModelTime in class Director
newTime - The new current simulation time.
IllegalActionException - If the time is in the past relative to the time of local committed state.
See Also:


public java.lang.String[] suggestedModalModelDirectors()
Return an array of suggested ModalModel directors to use with ContinuousDirector. The only available director is ModalDirector because we need a director that implements the strict actor semantics.

suggestedModalModelDirectors in class FixedPointDirector
An array of suggested directors to be used with ModalModel.
See Also:


public double suggestedStepSize()
                         throws IllegalActionException
Return the suggested step size for next integration. The suggested step size is the minimum of suggestions from all step size control actors and the time until the next breakpoint, and it never exceeds 10 times of the current step size. If there are no step size control actors at all, then return 5 times of the current step size. However, the suggested step size never exceeds the maximum step size. If this director has not been fired since initialize() or the previous call to suggestedStepSize(), then return the value of maxStepSize.

Specified by:
suggestedStepSize in interface ContinuousStepSizeController
The suggested step size for next integration.
IllegalActionException - If an actor suggests an illegal step size.


public void suspend(Time time)
             throws IllegalActionException
Resume the actor at the specified time. If the actor has not been suspended since the last call to initialize(), then this has no effect.

Specified by:
suspend in interface Suspendable
time - The time at which the actor is suspended.
IllegalActionException - If the suspend cannot be completed.


public boolean transferInputs(IOPort port)
                       throws IllegalActionException
Override the base class to do nothing. The fire() method of this director handles transferring inputs.

transferInputs in class FixedPointDirector
port - The port to transfer tokens from.
IllegalActionException - Not thrown in this base class.


public boolean transferOutputs(IOPort port)
                        throws IllegalActionException
Override the base class to do nothing. The fire() method of this director handles transferring outputs.

transferOutputs in class FixedPointDirector
port - The port to transfer tokens from.
IllegalActionException - Not thrown in this base class.


protected double _getCurrentStepSize()
Return the current step size.

The current step size.


protected final ContinuousODESolver _getODESolver()
Return the ODE solver used to resolve states by the director.

The ODE solver used to resolve states by the director.


protected void _initParameters()
Create and initialize all parameters to their default values. This is called by the constructor.


protected final ContinuousODESolver _instantiateODESolver(java.lang.String className)
                                                   throws IllegalActionException
Instantiate an ODESolver from its classname. Given the solver's full class name, this method will try to instantiate it by looking for the corresponding java class.

className - The solver's full class name.
a new ODE solver.
IllegalActionException - If the solver can not be created.


protected final boolean _isDebugging()
Return true if debugging is turned on. This exposes whether debugging is happening to the package.

True if debugging is turned on.


protected boolean _isIntermediateStep()
                               throws IllegalActionException
Return true if the solver is at the first or intermediate steps of a multi-step solver. If there is an enclosing continuous director, this method delegates to that director. Otherwise, it checks the current step of the solver.

True if either the solver is not doing a multi-step solution or it is at the last step of the multi-step solution.
IllegalActionException - If the Time class throws it.


protected void _reportDebugMessage(java.lang.String message)
Expose the debug method to the package.

message - The message that is to be reported.


private void _assertAbsentInside()
                          throws IllegalActionException
Set all receivers on the inside of input ports to absent.

IllegalActionException - If the send fails.


private boolean _commit()
                 throws IllegalActionException
Commit the current state by postfiring the actors under the control of this director. Also, set the current time, index, and step size for the next iteration. If the current step size is 0.0, then this just increments the index. Otherwise, it sets the index to 0.

True if it is OK to fire again.


private ContinuousDirector _enclosingContinuousDirector()
Return the enclosing continuous director, or null if there is none. The enclosing continuous director is a director above this in the hierarchy, possibly separated by composite actors with actors that implement the QuasiTransparentDirector interface, such as FSMDirector or CaseDirector.

The enclosing ContinuousDirector, or null if there is none.


private void _handleBreakpointsBefore(Time time,
                                      int index)
                               throws IllegalActionException
Throw an exception if there are any breakpoints in the breakpoint table before the specified time.

time - The time.
index - The superdense time index.
IllegalActionException - If there are any breakpoints in the breakpoint table earlier than the specified time.


private void _initializeLocalVariables()
                                throws IllegalActionException
Initialize the local variables of this ContinuousDirector. Create or clear the breakpoints table. Instantiate an ODE solver. This method is called in the preinitialize method.



private boolean _postfireAtTopLevel()
                             throws IllegalActionException
Postfire method when this director is at the top level.

True if it is OK to fire again.


private boolean _postfireWithEnclosingContinuousDirector()
                                                  throws IllegalActionException
Postfire method when the enclosing director is an instance of this same class.

True if it is OK to fire again.


private boolean _postfireWithEnclosingNonContinuousDirector()
                                                     throws IllegalActionException
Postfire method when the enclosing director is not an instance of this same class.

True if it is OK to fire again.


private boolean _prefireAtTopLevel()
                            throws IllegalActionException
Prefire method when this director is at the top level.

True if it is OK to fire.


private boolean _prefireWithEnclosingContinuousDirector()
                                                 throws IllegalActionException
Prefire method when the enclosing director is an instance of this same class.

True if it is OK to fire.


private boolean _prefireWithEnclosingNonContinuousDirector()
                                                    throws IllegalActionException
Prefire method when the enclosing director is not an instance of this same class.

True if it is OK to fire.


private void _setCurrentStepSize(double stepSize)
Set the current step size.

stepSize - The step size to be set.
See Also:


private java.util.List _statefulComponents()
Return a list of stateful components, which includes actors deeply contained within the container of this director that implement the ContinuousStatefulComponent interface and directors of opaque composite actors within the container of this director that implement the same interface.

A list of objects implementing ContinuousStatefulComponent.


private java.util.List _stepSizeControllers()
Return a list of step-size controllers.

A list of step-size control actors.


private boolean _transferInputsToInside()
                                 throws IllegalActionException
Transfer inputs from the environment to inside.

True if at least one token is transferred.
IllegalActionException - If the transferInputs(Port) method throws it.


private void _transferOutputsToEnvironment()
                                    throws IllegalActionException
Transfer outputs to the environment.

IllegalActionException - If the transferOutputs(Port) method throws it.