Class Integrator

  extended by ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
      extended by ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
          extended by ptolemy.kernel.Entity
              extended by ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
                  extended by
                      extended by
                          extended by
                              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Actor, Executable, FiringsRecordable, Initializable, TypedActor, ContinuousStatefulComponent, ContinuousStepSizeController, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, Instantiable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable

public class Integrator
extends ContinuousIntegrator

The integrator in the continuous domain. The derivative port receives the derivative of the state of the integrator with respect to time. The state output port shows the state of the integrator. So an ordinary differential equation (ODE), dx/dt = f(x, t), can be built as follows:

     dx/dt  |               |   x
 +--------->|   Integrator  |---------+----->
 |          |               |         |
 |          +----^-----^----+         |
 |                                    |
 |             |---------|            |
 +-------------| f(x, t) |<-----------+

An integrator also has a port-parameter called initialState. The parameter provides the initial state for integration during the initialization stage of execution. If during execution an input token is provided on the port, then the state of the integrator will be reset at that time to the value of the token. The default value of the parameter is 0.0.

An integrator also has an input port named impulse. When present, a token at the impulse input port is interpreted as the weight of a Dirac delta function. It cause an instantaneous increment or decrement to the state. If both impulse and initialState have data, then initialState dominates.

An integrator can generate an output (its current state) before the derivative input is known, and hence can be used in feedback loops like that above without creating a causality loop. The impulse and initialState inputs ports must be known, however, before an output can be produced. The effect of data at these inputs on the output is instantaneous.

For different ODE solving methods, the functionality of an integrator may be different. The delegation and strategy design patterns are used in this class, the abstract ODESolver class, and the concrete ODE solver classes. Some solver-dependent methods of integrators delegate to the concrete ODE solvers.

An integrator can possibly have several auxiliary variables for the the ODE solvers to use. The ODE solver class provides the number of variables needed for that particular solver. The auxiliary variables can be set and get by setAuxVariables() and getAuxVariables() methods.

This class is based on the CTIntegrator by Jie Liu.

Ptolemy II 6.0
$Id: 57040 2010-01-27 20:52:32Z cxh $
Haiyang Zheng and Edward A. Lee
See Also:
Serialized Form
Accepted Rating:
Green (eal)
Proposed Rating:
Green (hyzheng)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
derivative, impulse, initialState, state
Fields inherited from class
_actorFiringListeners, _initializables, _notifyingActorFiring, _stopRequested
Fields inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_changeListeners, _changeLock, _changeRequests, _debugging, _debugListeners, _elementName, _isPersistent, _verbose, _workspace, ATTRIBUTES, CLASSNAME, COMPLETE, CONTENTS, DEEP, FULLNAME, LINKS
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
Integrator(CompositeEntity container, java.lang.String name)
          Construct an integrator.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class
attributeChanged, clone, fire, getAuxVariables, getCausalityInterface, getDerivative, getState, getTentativeState, initialize, isStepSizeAccurate, isStrict, postfire, prefire, refinedStepSize, rollBackToCommittedState, setAuxVariables, setTentativeState, suggestedStepSize
Methods inherited from class
_addPort, _fireAt, _fireAt, attributeTypeChanged, clone, newPort, typeConstraintList, typeConstraints
Methods inherited from class
_actorFiring, _actorFiring, addActorFiringListener, addInitializable, connectionsChanged, createReceivers, declareDelayDependency, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, inputPortList, isFireFunctional, iterate, newReceiver, outputPortList, preinitialize, pruneDependencies, recordFiring, removeActorFiringListener, removeDependency, removeInitializable, setContainer, stop, stopFire, terminate, wrapup
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
_adjustDeferrals, _checkContainer, _getContainedObject, _propagateExistence, getContainer, instantiate, isAtomic, isOpaque, moveDown, moveToFirst, moveToIndex, moveToLast, moveUp, propagateExistence, setName
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
_description, _exportMoMLContents, _removePort, _validateSettables, connectedPortList, connectedPorts, containedObjectsIterator, getAttribute, getPort, getPorts, linkedRelationList, linkedRelations, portList, removeAllPorts, setClassDefinition, uniqueName
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
_setParent, exportMoML, getChildren, getElementName, getParent, getPrototypeList, isClassDefinition, isWithinClassDefinition
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_addAttribute, _adjustOverride, _attachText, _cloneFixAttributeFields, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _getIndentPrefix, _isMoMLSuppressed, _markContentsDerived, _propagateValue, _recordDecoratedAttributes, _removeAttribute, _splitName, _stripNumericSuffix, addChangeListener, addDebugListener, attributeList, attributeList, deepContains, depthInHierarchy, description, description, event, executeChangeRequests, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoMLPlain, getAttribute, getAttributes, getChangeListeners, getClassName, getDecoratorAttribute, getDecoratorAttributes, getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, getDisplayName, getFullName, getModelErrorHandler, getName, getName, getSource, handleModelError, isDeferringChangeRequests, isOverridden, isPersistent, lazyContainedObjectsIterator, message, propagateValue, propagateValues, removeChangeListener, removeDebugListener, requestChange, setClassName, setDeferringChangeRequests, setDerivedLevel, setDisplayName, setModelErrorHandler, setPersistent, setSource, sortContainedObjects, toplevel, toString, validateSettables, workspace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
createReceivers, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, inputPortList, newReceiver, outputPortList
Methods inherited from interface
isFireFunctional, iterate, stop, stopFire, terminate
Methods inherited from interface
addInitializable, preinitialize, removeInitializable, wrapup
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
description, getContainer, getDisplayName, getFullName, getName, getName, setName
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, propagateValue

Constructor Detail


public Integrator(CompositeEntity container,
                  java.lang.String name)
           throws NameDuplicationException,
Construct an integrator.

container - The container.
name - The name.
NameDuplicationException - If another star already had this name.
IllegalActionException - If there was an internal problem.
See Also: