
Communicating Sequential Processes kernel.


Interface Summary
BranchActor BranchActor is an actor that contain a controller to manage the conditional branches for performing conditional communication within CSP domain.

Class Summary
AbstractBranchController This is a base class containing the common code for controllers that manage branches for performing conditional or multiway rendezvous within the CSP (Communication Sequential Processes) domain.
ConditionalBranch Base class for classes representing guarded communication that occurs either conditionally (one statement from a group is executed) or as a multiway rendezvous (all statements from a group are executed).
ConditionalBranchController A controller that manages the conditional branches for performing conditional communication within CSP (Communication Sequential Processes) domain.
ConditionalReceive Represents a guarded communication statement in which the communication is a get().
ConditionalSend Represents a guarded communication statement in which the communication is a send().
CSPActor This class is the base class of all atomic actors using the non-deterministic communication and timed features of the communicating sequential processes(CSP) domain.
CSPDirector CSPDirector governs the execution of a composite actor with the semantics of the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) domain.
CSPDirector.DelayListLink Keep track of the actor that is delayed and the time at which to resume it.
CSPReceiver Receiver for CSP style communication.
MultiwayBranchController This controller manages branches for performing multiway rendezvous within the CSP (Communication Sequential Processes) domain.

Package Description

Communicating Sequential Processes kernel.

In the CSP domain, the director creates a thread for executing each actor under its control. Each actor corresponds to a process in the model.

Ptolemy II 0.2