
The package.


Interface Summary
BreakpointODESolver Marker interface for ODE solvers that can only be used at breakpoints.
CTDynamicActor Interface of dynamic actors in the CT domain.
CTEventGenerator Interface for CT actors that convert continuous-time signals to discrete events.
CTGeneralDirector Interface that defines the methods for lower level CT directors in hierarchy to query information from the upper level CT directors.
CTStatefulActor Interface for actors that have states.
CTStepSizeControlActor Interface for actors that control integration step sizes for handling unpredictable breakpoints or controlling local truncation error when resolving states.
CTTransparentDirector Interface for CT transparent directors.
CTWaveformGenerator Interface for CT actors that generate continuous signals (waveforms) from discrete events.

Class Summary
CTBaseIntegrator The base class for integrators in the continuous-time (CT) domain.
CTBaseIntegrator.DoubleDouble A data structure for storing two double numbers.
CTCase A version of the Case actor designed for the CT domain.
CTCaseDirector An CTCaseDirector governs the execution of the Case actor in CT.
CTCompositeActor A composite actor designed for the CT domain.
CTDirector Abstract base class for directors in the CT domain.
CTEmbeddedDirector An embedded director for CT inside CT or FSM.
CTExecutionPhase A type-safe enumeration of all possible execution phases of a CT director.
CTMixedSignalDirector A CTDirector that supports the interaction of the continuous-time simulation with event-based domains.
CTMultiSolverDirector A CTDirector that uses multiple ODE solvers.
CTReceiver The receiver for the continuous-time and mixed-signal domain.
CTReceiver.SignalType Inner class used for the static enumeration of indicators of signal types.
CTRefinement A version of the Case Refinement actor designed for the CT domain.
CTSchedule A static schedule for CT models.
CTScheduler The Static scheduler for the CT domain.
HSFSMDirector An HSFSMDirector governs the execution of the discrete dynamics of a hybrid system model.
HSModalDirector An HSModalDirector governs the execution of the discrete dynamics of a hybrid system model.
ODESolver Abstract base class for ODE solvers.

Exception Summary
NumericalNonconvergeException Deprecated. As Ptolemy II 4.1, this class is not used any more.

Package Description

The package.

Ptolemy II 0.2