Class DiscreteClock

  extended by ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
      extended by ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
          extended by ptolemy.kernel.Entity
              extended by ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
                  extended by
                      extended by
                          extended by
                              extended by
                                  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, Actor, Executable, FiringsRecordable, Initializable, TimedActor, TypedActor, Changeable, Debuggable, DebugListener, Derivable, Instantiable, ModelErrorHandler, MoMLExportable, Moveable, Nameable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DiscreteClock
extends TimedSource

NOTE: This actor used to be But a major rework of actor.lib.Clock made it difficult to maintain backward compatibility, so the old Clock was moved here to serve as a base class for ContinuousClock.

This actor produces a periodic signal, a sequence of events at regularly spaced intervals. It can generate finite pulses by specifying a finite numberOfCycles. The numberOfCycles has a default value as -1, indicating infinite length of executions. If numberOfCycles is a positive number, once the specified number of cycles has been completed, then this actor returns false from the postfire method.

At the beginning of each time interval of length given by period, this actor initiates a sequence of output events with values given by values and offset into the period given by offsets. These parameters contain arrays, which are required to have the same length. The offsets array contains doubles, which must be nondecreasing and nonnegative, or an exception will be thrown when it is set. Moreover, its largest entry must be smaller than period or an exception will be thrown by the fire() method.

The values parameter by default contains an array of IntTokens with values 1 and 0. The default offsets array is {0.0, 1.0}. Thus, the default output will be alternating 1 and 0 with 50% duty cycle. The default period is 2.0.

The actor uses the fireAt() method of the director to request firing at the beginning of each period plus each of the offsets.

The type of the output can be any token type. This type is inferred from the element type of the values parameter.

This actor is a timed source; the untimed version is Pulse.

There is another kind of clock called ContinuousClock, which produces a square wave instead of a sequence of events. The ContinuousClock is a special actor for continuous-time domain. One of their key differences is that a DiscreteClock outputs a DISCRETE signal while a ContinuousClock outputs a CONTINUOUS signal.

Ptolemy II 6.1
$Id: 57040 2010-01-27 20:52:32Z cxh $
Edward A. Lee, Haiyang Zheng
See Also:
ContinuousClock, Serialized Form
Accepted Rating:
Yellow (yuhong)
Proposed Rating:
Yellow (eal)

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
Field Summary
protected  Token _currentValue
          The current value of the clock output.
protected  int _cycleCount
          The count of cycles executed so far, or 0 before the start.
protected  Time _cycleStartTime
          The most recent cycle start time.
protected  boolean _done
          Indicator of whether the specified number of cycles have been completed.
protected  double[] _offsets
          Cache of offsets array value.
protected  int _phase
          The phase of the next output.
protected  Time _startTime
          The time at which output starts.
protected  Token _tentativeCurrentValue
          The tentative current value of the clock output.
protected  int _tentativeCycleCount
          The tentative count of cycles executed so far.
protected  int _tentativeCycleCountIncrement
          The tentative increment for cycle count increment.
protected  Time _tentativeCycleStartTime
          The tentative start time of the most recent cycle.
protected  boolean _tentativeDone
          The indicator of whether the specified number of cycles have been completed.
protected  Time _tentativeNextFiringTime
          The tentative time for next firing.
protected  int _tentativePhase
          The tentative phase of the next output.
protected  Time _tentativeStartTime
          The tentative start time for the clock to produce output.
 Parameter numberOfCycles
          The number of cycles to produce, or -1 to specify no limit.
 Parameter offsets
          The offsets at which the specified values will be produced.
 Parameter period
          The period of the output waveform.
 Parameter values
          The values that will be produced at the specified offsets.
Fields inherited from class
stopTime, stopTimeIsLocal
Fields inherited from class
output, trigger
Fields inherited from class
_actorFiringListeners, _initializables, _notifyingActorFiring, _stopRequested
Fields inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_changeListeners, _changeLock, _changeRequests, _debugging, _debugListeners, _elementName, _isPersistent, _verbose, _workspace, ATTRIBUTES, CLASSNAME, COMPLETE, CONTENTS, DEEP, FULLNAME, LINKS
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
DiscreteClock(CompositeEntity container, java.lang.String name)
          Construct an actor with the specified container and name.
Method Summary
protected  Token _getValue(int index)
          Get the specified output value, checking the form of the values parameter.
protected  void _initializeCycleCount()
          Initialize the cycle count and done flag.
protected  void _updateStates()
          Update the states and request refiring if necessary.
protected  void _updateTentativeValues()
          Copy values committed in initialize() or in the last postfire() into the corresponding tentative variables.
 void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
          If the argument is the offsets parameter, check that the array is nondecreasing and has the right dimension; if the argument is period, check that it is positive.
 java.lang.Object clone(Workspace workspace)
          Clone the actor into the specified workspace.
 void fire()
          Output the current value of the clock.
 void initialize()
          Schedule the first firing and initialize local variables.
 boolean postfire()
          Update the state of the actor and schedule the next firing, if appropriate.
 boolean prefire()
          Check that the length of the values and offsets parameters are the same.
Methods inherited from class
getModelStopTime, getStopTime, wrapup
Methods inherited from class
_addPort, _fireAt, _fireAt, attributeTypeChanged, clone, newPort, typeConstraintList, typeConstraints
Methods inherited from class
_actorFiring, _actorFiring, addActorFiringListener, addInitializable, connectionsChanged, createReceivers, declareDelayDependency, getCausalityInterface, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, inputPortList, isFireFunctional, isStrict, iterate, newReceiver, outputPortList, preinitialize, pruneDependencies, recordFiring, removeActorFiringListener, removeDependency, removeInitializable, setContainer, stop, stopFire, terminate
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.ComponentEntity
_adjustDeferrals, _checkContainer, _getContainedObject, _propagateExistence, getContainer, instantiate, isAtomic, isOpaque, moveDown, moveToFirst, moveToIndex, moveToLast, moveUp, propagateExistence, setName
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.Entity
_description, _exportMoMLContents, _removePort, _validateSettables, connectedPortList, connectedPorts, containedObjectsIterator, getAttribute, getPort, getPorts, linkedRelationList, linkedRelations, portList, removeAllPorts, setClassDefinition, uniqueName
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.InstantiableNamedObj
_setParent, exportMoML, getChildren, getElementName, getParent, getPrototypeList, isClassDefinition, isWithinClassDefinition
Methods inherited from class ptolemy.kernel.util.NamedObj
_addAttribute, _adjustOverride, _attachText, _cloneFixAttributeFields, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _debug, _getIndentPrefix, _isMoMLSuppressed, _markContentsDerived, _propagateValue, _recordDecoratedAttributes, _removeAttribute, _splitName, _stripNumericSuffix, addChangeListener, addDebugListener, attributeList, attributeList, deepContains, depthInHierarchy, description, description, event, executeChangeRequests, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoML, exportMoMLPlain, getAttribute, getAttributes, getChangeListeners, getClassName, getDecoratorAttribute, getDecoratorAttributes, getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, getDisplayName, getFullName, getModelErrorHandler, getName, getName, getSource, handleModelError, isDeferringChangeRequests, isOverridden, isPersistent, lazyContainedObjectsIterator, message, propagateValue, propagateValues, removeChangeListener, removeDebugListener, requestChange, setClassName, setDeferringChangeRequests, setDerivedLevel, setDisplayName, setModelErrorHandler, setPersistent, setSource, sortContainedObjects, toplevel, toString, validateSettables, workspace
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface
createReceivers, getCausalityInterface, getDirector, getExecutiveDirector, getManager, inputPortList, newReceiver, outputPortList
Methods inherited from interface
isFireFunctional, isStrict, iterate, stop, stopFire, terminate
Methods inherited from interface
addInitializable, preinitialize, removeInitializable
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable
description, getContainer, getDisplayName, getFullName, getName, getName, setName
Methods inherited from interface ptolemy.kernel.util.Derivable
getDerivedLevel, getDerivedList, propagateValue

Field Detail


public Parameter numberOfCycles
The number of cycles to produce, or -1 to specify no limit. This is an integer with default -1.


public Parameter offsets
The offsets at which the specified values will be produced. This parameter must contain an array of doubles, and it defaults to {0.0, 1.0}.


public Parameter period
The period of the output waveform. This parameter must contain a DoubleToken, and it defaults to 2.0.


public Parameter values
The values that will be produced at the specified offsets. This parameter must contain an ArrayToken, and it defaults to {1, 0}


protected transient Token _currentValue
The current value of the clock output.


protected transient int _cycleCount
The count of cycles executed so far, or 0 before the start.


protected transient Time _cycleStartTime
The most recent cycle start time.


protected transient boolean _done
Indicator of whether the specified number of cycles have been completed.


protected transient double[] _offsets
Cache of offsets array value.


protected transient int _phase
The phase of the next output.


protected transient Time _startTime
The time at which output starts.


protected transient Token _tentativeCurrentValue
The tentative current value of the clock output.


protected transient int _tentativeCycleCount
The tentative count of cycles executed so far.


protected transient int _tentativeCycleCountIncrement
The tentative increment for cycle count increment.


protected transient Time _tentativeCycleStartTime
The tentative start time of the most recent cycle.


protected transient boolean _tentativeDone
The indicator of whether the specified number of cycles have been completed.


protected transient Time _tentativeNextFiringTime
The tentative time for next firing.


protected transient int _tentativePhase
The tentative phase of the next output.


protected transient Time _tentativeStartTime
The tentative start time for the clock to produce output.

Constructor Detail


public DiscreteClock(CompositeEntity container,
                     java.lang.String name)
              throws NameDuplicationException,
Construct an actor with the specified container and name.

container - The container.
name - The name of this actor.
IllegalActionException - If the entity cannot be contained by the proposed container.
NameDuplicationException - If the container already has an actor with this name.
Method Detail


public void attributeChanged(Attribute attribute)
                      throws IllegalActionException
If the argument is the offsets parameter, check that the array is nondecreasing and has the right dimension; if the argument is period, check that it is positive. Other sanity checks with period and values are done in the fire() method.

attributeChanged in class TimedSource
attribute - The attribute that changed.
IllegalActionException - If the offsets array is not nondecreasing and nonnegative.


public java.lang.Object clone(Workspace workspace)
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Clone the actor into the specified workspace. This calls the base class and then sets the parameter public members to refer to the parameters of the new actor.

clone in class AtomicActor
workspace - The workspace for the new object.
A new actor.
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - If a derived class contains an attribute that cannot be cloned.
See Also:
NamedObj.exportMoML(Writer, int, String), NamedObj.setDeferringChangeRequests(boolean)


public void fire()
          throws IllegalActionException
Output the current value of the clock.

Specified by:
fire in interface Executable
fire in class Source
IllegalActionException - If the value in the offsets parameter is encountered that is greater than the period, or if there is no director.


public void initialize()
                throws IllegalActionException
Schedule the first firing and initialize local variables.

Specified by:
initialize in interface Initializable
initialize in class TimedSource
IllegalActionException - If the parent class throws it, or if the values parameter is not a row vector, or if the fireAt() method of the director throws it.


public boolean postfire()
                 throws IllegalActionException
Update the state of the actor and schedule the next firing, if appropriate.

Specified by:
postfire in interface Executable
postfire in class TimedSource
True if execution can continue into the next iteration.
IllegalActionException - If the director throws it when scheduling the next firing.


public boolean prefire()
                throws IllegalActionException
Check that the length of the values and offsets parameters are the same.

Specified by:
prefire in interface Executable
prefire in class TimedSource
True, unless the trigger input is connected and has no input.
IllegalActionException - If the values and offsets parameters do not have the same length.


protected Token _getValue(int index)
                   throws IllegalActionException
Get the specified output value, checking the form of the values parameter.

index - The index of the output values.
A token that contains the output value.
IllegalActionException - If the index is out of the range of the values parameter.


protected void _initializeCycleCount()
Initialize the cycle count and done flag. These are done in a protected method so that derived classes can do something different here.


protected void _updateTentativeValues()
                               throws IllegalActionException
Copy values committed in initialize() or in the last postfire() into the corresponding tentative variables. In effect, this loads the last known good value for these variables, which is particularly important if time has gone backwards. This is done in a protected method because derived classes may want to override it.

IllegalActionException - Not thrown in this base class.


protected void _updateStates()
                      throws IllegalActionException
Update the states and request refiring if necessary.

IllegalActionException - If the numberOfCycles parameter does not contain a valid parameter or can not request refiring.