
The Timing Description Language (TDL) domain.


Class Summary
LetTask A TTTask (time triggered task) is an actor with an invocationPeriod and a logical execution time.
TDLAction A TDL action.
TDLAction.TDLActionComparator A class that compares two TDL actions.
TDLActionsGraph A representation of the schedule of all actions in a TDL module in a graph.
TDLActor A TDL Actor used in the TDL domain.
TDLCausalityInterface This class gives a specialized causality interface for TDL.
TDLCodeGenerator Generates the TDL code for a given TDL module.
TDLCodeGeneratorUtilities Utilities for generating TDL code.
TDLController Controller for the TDL module.
TDLMode A TDL mode is a collection of TDL tasks.
TDLModule A TDL module forms a unit that consists of sensors, actuators, and modes.
TDLModuleDirector Director for a TDL (= Timing Definition Language) module.
TDLReceiver A TDL receiver stores a token until it gets a new token.
TDLRefinement A TDL refinement is used to define the implementation of a TDL mode.
TDLRefinementPort The TDL refinement port represents an acutator and has some TDL specific parameters: - frequceny: update frequency - initialValue: at time 0, this initial value is used - fast: if the actuator is connected to a fast task, this parameter is true - slots: string that supports TDL slot selection.
TDLTask A TDL task is an SDF actor with TDL specific parameters.
TDLTaskPort A TDL task output port has some TDL specific parameters. - initialValue: a TDL output port has an initial value.
TDLTransition A TDL transition has some specific TDL parameters. - frequency: together with the mode period, this value defines when this transition is tested.

Package Description

The Timing Description Language (TDL) domain.


Wolfgang Pree, Stefan Resmerita, Patricia Derler, "The TDL Experimental Domain in Ptolemy", CHESS Seminar, Berkeley, CA, September 13, 2007.

Ptolemy II 7.1