Package ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer

The ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer package.


Interface Summary
AllPairShortestPathAnalyzer An interface for all the analyzers that compute the all pair shortest path of a directed graph.
Analyzer A base interface for all the analyzers.
ClusterNodesTransformer Base interface for cluster transformers for graphs.
CycleExistenceAnalyzer A common interface for all the cycle existence analyzers.
CycleMeanAnalyzer A common interface for all the cycle mean analyzers.
GraphAnalyzer A base interface for all the graph analyzers.
MaximumProfitToCostRatioAnalyzer A common interface for all the maximum profit to cost analyzers.
MirrorTransformer Base interface for a mirror transformer for graphs.
NegativeLengthCycleAnalyzer A common interface for all the negative length cycle analyzers.
SelfLoopAnalyzer Base interface for the computation of self-loops in a graph.
SingleSourceLongestPathAnalyzer A common interface for all the single source longest path analyzers.
SinkNodeAnalyzer Base interface for the computation of sink nodes in a graph.
SourceNodeAnalyzer Base interface for the computation of source nodes in a graph.
Transformer A base interface for transformers.
TransitiveClosureAnalyzer An interface to the analyzers for the computation of transitive closure of a directed graph.
ZeroLengthCycleAnalyzer A common interface for all the zero length cycle detection analyzers.

Package ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer Description

The ptolemy.graph.analysis.analyzer package.

Ptolemy II 7.2