
Actor specific GUI packages.


Interface Summary
DocApplicationSpecializer An interface that specializes the documentation system to the application.

Class Summary
ActorController This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II entities.
ActorController.ListenToActorAction An action to listen to debug messages in the actor.
ActorEditorGraphController A Graph Controller for the Ptolemy II schematic editor.
ActorGraphFrame This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy models.
ActorGraphModel This class represents one level of hierarchy of a Ptolemy II model.
ActorGraphModel.IconModel The model for an icon that contains ports.
ActorGraphTableau This is a graph editor for ptolemy models.
ActorGraphTableau.Factory A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
ActorInstanceController This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II actor instances (i.e., not classes).
ActorViewerGraphController A graph controller for the Ptolemy II schematic viewer.
ClassDefinitionController This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II classes.
DocBuilder Build Documentation for Java and Actors.
DocBuilderEffigy An effigy for a DocBuilder.
DocBuilderEffigy.Factory A factory for creating new effigies.
DocBuilderGUI A PtolemyFrame that builds the Java and Actor documentation.
DocBuilderTableau A tableau representing a documentation builder.
DocBuilderTableau.Factory A factory that creates DocBuilderGUI tableaux for Ptolemy models.
DocEffigy An effigy for a doc file.
DocEffigy.Factory A factory for creating new effigies.
DocManager A manager for documentation for an associated Ptolemy II object.
DocTableau A tableau representing a documentation view in a toplevel window.
DocTableau.Factory A factory that creates Doc viewer tableaux for Ptolemy models.
DocViewer This class defines a specialized window for displaying Ptolemy II actor documentation.
ExternalIOPortController This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II ports inside a composite.
FindPackages Look for class files under a directory and return package names.
FindPackages.ClassFileFilter Filter that returns true if the pathname ends with .class.
FindPackages.DirectoryFileFilter Filter that returns true if the pathname is a directory.
IOPortController This class provides interaction with nodes that represent Ptolemy II ports on an actor.
LinkController This class provides interaction techniques for edges that are to be connected between ports and relations.
LinkController.LinkRenderer Render a visual representation of a link.
LinkController.LinkTarget A connector target that returns sites on a link.
LinkManhattanConnector An extension to BasicManhattanRouter supporting links to multiports.
PortConnectSite A site for instances of PortTerminal.
PortTerminal A terminal figure for ports that supports multiports.
TypeOpaqueCompositeActorTableauFactory A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for untyped models.

Package Description

Actor specific GUI packages.

Ptolemy II 2.0