Package ptolemy.vergil.modal

Finite State Machine Editor.


Class Summary
Arc Instances of this class represent an arc between two states in a state machine visualization.
CaseGraphFrame This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy case models.
CaseGraphTableau An editor tableau for case constructs in Ptolemy II.
CaseGraphTableau.Factory A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
FSMGraphController A Graph Controller for FSM models.
FSMGraphFrame This is a graph editor frame for ptolemy FSM models.
FSMGraphModel A graph model for graphically manipulating ptolemy FSM models.
FSMGraphTableau An editor tableau for finite state machines.
FSMGraphTableau.Factory A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
FSMViewerGraphController A graph controller for the Ptolemy II finite-state machine viewer.
StateController This class provides interaction with nodes that represent states in an FSM graph.
StateController.RemoveIconAction Action to remove a custom icon.
StateController.StateRenderer Render the state as a circle.
StateIcon An icon that displays the name of the container in an appropriately sized rounded box.
TransitionController This class provides interaction techniques for transitions in an FSM.
TransitionController.LinkRenderer Render a link.
TransitionController.LinkTarget A Link target.

Package ptolemy.vergil.modal Description

Finite State Machine Editor.

Ptolemy II 0.2