Package thales.vergil.navigable

Single Window UI Vergil Navigable classes.


Class Summary
NavigableActorGraphFrame Titre : NavigableActorGraphFrame Description : This is a simple copy of the actual ActorGraphFrame with additional functionalities for the navigation.
NavigableActorGraphTableau A simple copy of the ActorGraphFrame with additional functionalities for navigation
NavigableActorGraphTableau.Factory A factory that creates graph editing tableaux for Ptolemy models.
NavigationPTree Titre : NavigationPTree Description : A navigation tree to browse a Ptolemy model Société : Thales Research and technology
NavigationPTree.expandListener This expandListener inform all other Tree of the Path expanded or collapse so that all Tree have the same expand/collapse state.
NavigationPTree.selectionListener This listener intends to get the selection from the user, open the correst model but also to inform all the other referenced Navigation tree of this event
NavigationTreeModel Titre : NavigationTreeModel Description : used to represent all the entities of a MoML file Société : Thales Research and technology

Package thales.vergil.navigable Description

Single Window UI Vergil Navigable classes.

Ptolemy II 4.0