2.6 Navigating Larger Models

Sometimes, a model gets large enough that it is not convenient to view it all at once. There are four toolbar buttons, shown in figure 2.32 that help. These buttons permit zooming in and out. The "Zoom reset" button restores the zoom factor to the "normal" one, and the "Zoom fit" calculates the zoom factor so that the entire model is visible in the editor window.

In addition, it is possible to pan over a model. Consider the window shown in figure 2.33. Here, we have zoomed in so that icons are larger than the default. The pan window at the lower left shows the entire model, with a red box showing the visible portion of the model. By clicking and dragging in the pan window, it is easy to navigate around the entire model. Clicking on the "Zoom fit" button in the toolbar results in the editor area showing the entire model, just as the pan window does.