
Actors that convert between different types.


Class Summary
AnythingToDouble This actor converts an input token to a double.
BooleanToAnything This actor converts a boolean input token into any data type.
CartesianToComplex Convert a Cartesian pair (represented as two double tokens) to a single complex token.
CartesianToPolar Convert a Cartesian pair, which is represented by two double tokens (x and y), to a polar form, which is also represented by two double tokens (magnitude and angle).
ComplexToCartesian Read a complex token and output double tokens that represent the real and imaginary parts to two different output ports.
ComplexToPolar Convert a complex token to polar coordinates, which are represented by two double tokens (magnitude and angle).
Converter This actor is a base class for converters.
DoubleToFix This actor converts a DoubleToken to a FixToken with a specified precision.
ExpressionToToken This actor reads a string expression from the input port and outputs the token resulting from the evaluation.
FixToDouble This actor converts a FixToken into a DoubleToken.
FixToFix This actor converts a FixToken into another FixToken with a specified precision.
IntArrayToString Convert an integer-array into a string.
InUnitsOf An actor that converts input tokens to specified units by dividing the input by the value of the units parameter.
LongToDouble This actor converts a LongToken into a DoubleToken.
PolarToCartesian This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs two new double tokens (x and y).
PolarToComplex This actor reads two double tokens (magnitude and angle) and outputs a single complex token.
Round Produce an output token on each firing with a value that is equal to the specified rounded value of the input.
StringToIntArray Convert a string to an integer-array.
StringToUnsignedByteArray Convert a string to an array of unsigned byte.
StringToXML This actor converts a string token to an xml token.
TokenToExpression This actor reads a token from the input port and outputs a string token whose value is an expression that can be parsed to yield the input token.
UnsignedByteArrayToString Convert an array of bytes into a string.

Package Description

Actors that convert between different types.

Ptolemy II 0.2