
The Ptolemy II Expression Language.


Interface Summary
ContainmentExtender An interface to specify the containment relationship as seen by the model designer.
ParserScope An interface used by the expression parser for identifier lookup.
ParseTreeVisitor This class implements the visitor pattern for parse trees in the expression language.
ScopeExtender A marker interface for attributes that extend their container's scope.

Class Summary
AbstractParseTreeVisitor This class implements a base class visitor for parse trees in the expression language.
ASTPtArrayConstructNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtBitwiseNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtFunctionalIfNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtFunctionApplicationNode This class represents an expression that is the application of a function in the parse tree.
ASTPtFunctionDefinitionNode The parse tree created from function definitions of the form: function (x) x + 5 which defines a function of one argument.
ASTPtLeafNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtLogicalNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtMatrixConstructNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtMethodCallNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtOrderedRecordConstructNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtPowerNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtProductNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtRecordConstructNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtRelationalNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtRootNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects, each of which is an instance of a class derived from this class.
ASTPtShiftNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtSumNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtUnaryNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
ASTPtUnionConstructNode The parse tree created from the expression string consists of a hierarchy of node objects.
CachedMethod An instance of this class represents a method or function that is invoked by the Ptolemy II expression evaluator.
CachedMethod.ArgumentConversion Class representing an argument conversion.
CachedMethod.ArrayMapCachedMethod A class representing the invocation of a scalar method on an array of elements.
CachedMethod.BaseConvertCachedMethod A cached method that converts the object on which the method is invoked as well as the arguments.
CachedMethod.MatrixMapCachedMethod A class representing the invocation of a scalar method on a matrix of elements.
CachedMethod.TypeArgumentConversion A class representing an argument conversion to another ptolemy type, followed by the given conversion.
ChoiceParameter This parameter constains a string value and has a list of acceptable choices.
ConcreteMatrixToken A token that represents an empty matrix, with no element type.
ConcreteScalarToken A token that represents a scalar of any type.
Constants A table of named constants that are recognized by the expression parser.
ConversionUtilities This class contains a series of static methods that facilitate the runtime conversion of tokens to and from Java representations that are not tokens.
CParseTreeCodeGenerator This class visits parse trees and generates soot instructions that evaluate the parse tree.
ExpertParameter This class is identical to Parameter except that its visibility is set to "expert" by default.
ExplicitScope An implementation of ParserScope that includes an explicit list of Variables in the scope.
ExpressionFunction An implementation of a function closure that encapsulates an expression tree.
FileParameter This is an attribute that specifies a file or URL.
FixPointFunctions This class provides static functions for operating on Fixpoint numbers in the Ptolemy II expression language.
GeneralToken This is a token that reports its type as "general."
MatlabUtilities This class provides access to the Ptolemy Matlab interface in ptolemy.matlab by using reflection.
MatrixParser This Class provides a parser for read matrices in matlab format.
ModelScope An abstract class that is useful for implementing expression language scopes for Ptolemy models.
MoMLUtilities This class provides access to the Ptolemy MoML parser in ptolemy.moml by using reflection.
NamedConstantsScope An implementation of ParserScope that contains a map from names to value tokens.
NameParameter This subclass of StringParameter uses its value to set the name of its container.
NestedScope An implementation of ParserScope that consists of a list of nested scopes.
Parameter Parameter extends Variable with additional support for string-valued variables that makes these friendlier at the user interface level.
ParseTreeDumper This class implements a visitor that writes parse trees in a debug format.
ParseTreeEvaluator This class evaluates a parse tree given a reference to its root node.
ParseTreeFreeVariableCollector This class visits parse trees and collects the set of free variables in the expression.
ParseTreeFreeVariableRenamer This class visits parse trees and renames the free variables that match a specified variable.
ParseTreeSpecializer This class reduces a parse tree, given a scope of bound variables.
ParseTreeTypeInference This class visits parse trees and infers a type for each node in the parse tree.
ParseTreeWriter This class implements a visitor that writes parse trees in the expression language.
PtParser This file implements an expression parser for Ptolemy II using the JavaCC parser generator.
ScopeExtendingAttribute An attribute that extends its container's scope.
SimpleCharStream An implementation of interface CharStream, where the stream is assumed to contain only ASCII characters (without unicode processing).
SingletonParameter This subclass of Parameter is identical to Parameter except that it is a singleton, meaning that when its container is set, if the container already contains an attribute with the same name, then that attribute is first removed.
StringParameter This subclass of Parameter is almost identical to Parameter except that it sets itself to string mode in the constructor.
TemporaryVariable This is identical to a Variable except that creating it does not increment the workspace version.
Token Describes the input token stream.
UnknownToken This is a token that reports its type as "unknown."
UtilityFunctions This class provides additional functions for use in the Ptolemy II expression language.
UtilityFunctions.TokenComparator Comparator for tokens.
Variable A Variable is an Attribute that contains a token, and can be set by an expression that can refer to other variables.
XMLParser This class parses a XML string token to a DOM document.
XMLParser.EntityResolver The entity resolver that tries to first load a DTD file locally, and if it is not found, looks for it on the Internet using the DTD file's system ID.

Exception Summary
ParseException This exception is thrown when parse errors are encountered.
UndefinedConstantOrIdentifierException Thrown on an attempt to evaluate an expression that contains an unknown constant or identifier.
UnknownResultException Thrown on an attempt to evaluate an expression that can not be determined because some variables are unknown.

Error Summary

Package Description

The Ptolemy II Expression Language.

The Ptolemy II Expression Language is documented in Chapter 3, "Expressions" (Ptolemy Website) Local HTML Version).

The expression language uses JavaCC, which is available from You need only install JavaCC is you plan on extending the syntax of the expression language by modifying the .jjt files. $PTII/configure looks for JavaCC in $PTII/vendors/sun/javacc-3.2, so either install JavaCC in that location or use the --with-javacc= flag and then rerun configure.

Ptolemy II 1.0