Package ptolemy.moml.filter

MoML backward compatibility filters.


Class Summary
ActorIndex Generate actor/demo index files.
AddEditorFactory Add a VisibleParameterEditorFactory named _editorFactory to certain Parameters.
AddIcon Certain actors have specialized icons that display the value of one of the parameters.
BackwardCompatibility Return a list where each element is a backward compatibility filter to be applied by the MoMLParser.
ChangeFixedWidth1ToAuto When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from earlier releases will run in the current release.
ClassChanges When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from earlier releases will run in the current release.
GRColorChanges This class filters MoML files for backward compatibility between GR models constructed in version 4.0 or earlier.
HideAnnotationNames When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.addMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to add a _hideName property property for any annotations.
LazyTypedCompositeActorChanges When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that all the TypedCompositeActors except those within actor oriented class definitios are changed to LazyTypedCompositeActors.
MultiportToSinglePort A filter to convert specific multiports of specific actors to a single ports.
NamedObjClassesSeen Create a Set of classes that extend NamedObj that are in the MoML parsed thus far.
ParameterNameChanges When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from earlier releases will run in the current release.
PortClassChanges When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from earlier releases will run in the current release.
PortNameChanges When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from earlier releases will run in the current release.
PropertyClassChanges When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from earlier releases will run in the current release.
RelationWidthChanges When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter so that models from earlier releases will run in the current release.
RemoveClasses When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.addMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to remove or replace classes.
RemoveGraphicalClasses When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter out graphical classes.
RemoveNonPtinyClasses Remove classes such as code generators that are not present in Ptiny.
RemoveProperties When this class is registered with the MoMLParser.setMoMLFilter() method, it will cause MoMLParser to filter out the properties included in this classes.

Package ptolemy.moml.filter Description

MoML backward compatibility filters.

Ptolemy II 0.2