Package ptolemy.moml

Modeling Markup Language classes.


Interface Summary
ErrorHandler Interface for error handlers for the MoMLParser class.
HandlesInternalLinks A marker interface to suppress generation of links in undo.
IconLoader Interface for loading icons.
MoMLFilter This class filters MoML (modeling markup language) identifiers.

Class Summary
ConvertToLazy Read a specified MoML file and convert all instances of TypedCompositeActor that contain more than a specified number of entities to LazyTypedCompositeActor.
Documentation An attribute that contains documentation for the container.
EntityLibrary This class provides a hierarchical library of components specified in MoML.
ImportAttribute Deprecated. The 'import' MoML element is deprecated, use the 'source' attribute instead.
LibraryAttribute This class is a configurable singleton attribute that associates a component library with a model.
LibraryBuilder An abstract class that defines the interface for LibraryBuilder.
MoMLAttribute This attribute has an arbitrary MoML description that is exported when the exportMoML() methods of the container are called.
MoMLChangeRequest A mutation request specified in MoML.
MoMLCommandLineApplication A application that reads command line arguments that set parameters and a .xml file naming a model, sets the parameters and runs the model.
MoMLModelAttribute An attribute that has a model described in MoML.
MoMLParser This class constructs Ptolemy II models from specifications in MoML (modeling markup language), which is based on XML.
MoMLSimpleApplication A simple application that reads in a .xml file as a command line argument and runs it.
MoMLUndoEntry This is an undo action on the undo/redo stack.
MoMLVariableChecker Check that all the variables are defined in a piece of MoML.
ParserAttribute This attribute represents a MoML parser.
StreamErrorHandler Basic error handler for the MoMLParser class.
UndoContext Holds information about the current undo context.
Vertex This attribute represents a waypoint in a relation.

Exception Summary
MissingClassException Thrown on an attempt to evaluate MoML that contains a missing class.

Package ptolemy.moml Description

Modeling Markup Language classes.

Ptolemy II 0.2